What do you think it means? You seriously can't get any more of an easier rhetorical question. You play Halo and you have no idea what Sandbox is when it's mentioned....
...and that isn't the sandbox designer, either. Massive facepalm. The "sandbox designer" does not design the map Sandbox.
Oh Jeez, sorry I'm not a know it all. When Lights said it didn't mean that they were creating a sandbox designer, that's what I thought. No need to make an ass out of me.
Sandbox generally refers to the tools in the game. Game physics, player abilities, weapon balance, general game mechanics, etc.
That's exactly what I thought when you said, that's not what it was referring to. I don't know anything though.
Well know everyone knows so lets back to halo reach haha oh and it says open world here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbox_game
Does this mean the like..settings are the same? Or at least similar? Halo 2 to Halo 3 was quite a jump but is it sounding as if they are going to stick closer to halo 3's style?
All this talk and hype about Halo:Reach better not be for nothing. I can just feel though that this game is going to be EPIC!
Couldn't tell ya for sure... You mean like gametype settings? Or like health? I know there's at least 1 new gametype, buy I don't know about anything specific. As for health, pretty sure it's similar to odst, but not quite as severe of a jump. That's what it sounds like to me at least
I've been reading the books. Done fall of reach and mostly done First Strike. By the sounds of things it should be fairly similar to H:CE settings, but I'm sure bungie can find some more loopholes to change things up especially with the III's. I'm just hoping they keep it competitive. Where did you hear the multiplayer info?
It doesn't. The book is actually mostly before the battle of reach, well the book Fall of Reach. First strike is actually more on the battle of Reach than FoR. Even still, First Strike follows the Spartan II's and it appears that Halo: Reach is following III's.
The new weapons look pretty kickass. My two concerns with the game however: 1. They can not, not.not.not. NOT turn it into a class based system. 2. I hope they can keep some of the same movement, I will not purchase the game if it includes a cover system.
So if all the multiplayer gametypes are the same does that mean they'll have Firefight? It was technically in Halo 3.