All Campaign tracks lost???

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by E93, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    OK, so I downloaded the maps tuesday, the day they came out, but only played them for the first time on friday.
    Right when i turned my Xbox on on friday, i had to do 2 updates. I accepted. Then, when i go to the matchmaking lobby, i realize my name, spartan, colors, emblem and service record have been reset. It now says i have not played campaign. Ever. But i have, and have even beaten it on legendary. I also had all the skulls, silver and gold. But now i don't. So as a consequence, i don't have Hayabusa anymore (i didnt wear it though), and EOD Shoulders. This isnt that big of a problem, but now once i get all the achivements (1 away), i wont be able to wear the Katana, since i wont have all the skulls.

    Is there any way of fixing this, that does not include having to do campaign all over again, and getting all the skulls?
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Call Bungie?
  3. E93

    E93 Guest

    That would be way unnecesary. They'd igonre me...: ''Pfffft! Another one of these kids that just want to lie to get stuff from us!'' They'd say.

    Should I try and message one of the bnet dudes? Like, Luke, or Shiska?
  4. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    You could try, you would probably get lost in the thousands of messages they get every day, scratch that... Every hour.
    Although it may seem tideous and pain in the F***ing ass, I'm guessing you'll just have to do it all again =\

    Edit - [I'll join in and help =D] 'Cause I'm cool like that
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    I really dont want to have to do it all over again. Maybe for the skulls, not for the completion of 'em, since i still have the achievements.
    Thanks for the offer though :D
  6. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Lol yeah, well when you get so frustrated at not having whatever specific armour perm you want you will probably go back and quickly get them. They aren't really that hard to get, especially when you only have to do it on normal.
    I got all the skulls for my brother in about 45 mins. Sure, I had all the levels unlocked already so it wouldn't take as long, but you get what I'm saying. =]
  7. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    this happened to me once. i think it was just a connection glitch. all i needed to do was restart the internet connection and re sign in an i was ok
  8. E93

    E93 Guest

    That is not what happened to me slashe.
    And now, i dont even have any of the campaign levels anymore.
    I'M MAD!!!! :mad:

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this happened to me the day after i beat it on normal, but oddly i still had the armor. i just did it again on legendary and did meta campaign along with it
  10. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    Ouch that sucks hard... This happened to my friend as well and he never got any of his campaign stuff back and he's too lazy to do it all again
  11. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    i think for security helm you need all achivements and not all gamerpoints right?
  12. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    Haha, thats what she said.

    On topic, i dont know what to tell ya man. Just sit down on a saturday, get 4 peeps in a game and do it...not in a gay way... Did you lose the LW achievements as well?
  13. E93

    E93 Guest

    reply to both of you:
    the security helmets is all achievements (wouldnt that be the same thing as all gamerpoints too ?!?!?)

    id dint loose any achievements. the thing im concerned about is not getting the katana, cause i'd need all the skulls, but it wont be easy to get them back again, since i have to get all the levels back :{
  14. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Isn't that the same thing? You can only get all the GamerScore for Halo3 by doing all the achievments...

    And yes, Security Helmet = All achievments
  15. E93

    E93 Guest

    ah yes, but katana = all achievements and all skulls (which i lost :mad::mad::mad:)
  16. General Heed

    General Heed Ancient
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    I think i can help

    I'm not sure how long you've had this problem, but here is what you can try. Here are the steps:

    1. Take the game disc out of the Xbox 360
    2. Turn the Xbox 360 and unplug everything
    3. Remove the hard drive and any memory cards in the Xbox
    4. Leave the Xbox 360 off for 1 day
    5. Plug everything back in including the hard drive
    6. Turn on the Xbox 360 without the game inside
    7. Let it sign on to Xbox Live first
    8. Now put the game in and hopefully everything should be back to normal.
    Hope that helps. :)
  17. E93

    E93 Guest

    does it have to be one entire day?
    cause i dont play on weekdays, so i could do that...
    but 1 day?!?!?!

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