I made this check point system to be used in a Escort Asset map I was thinking about creating. I am releasing this tut so you guys can use it in your maps or as inspiration because I don't know if I'll finish this one. Check it out in forge HERE Basically it acts a place for the brutes to teleport to until the ODSTs trigger it then it makes for a shortcut for respawning ODSTs. here are some pictures to help explain. The red area is the brute teleport. The red teleporter will be blocked by the "column broken" once the switch is activated ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The blue area is the ODST shortcut. The blue teleporter will be unblocked once the switch is activated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the b4 pics (notice the fusion coils behind red teleporter. Destroy this to destroy the grav lift.) <br> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Once the switch is activated... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...the "column broken" will slide down and block red teleporter... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...and unblock blue Some good things about this switch is it is time independent switch. Red will always remain open until activated and blue will always be open once activated. Don't really get it?? Take a look at it in forge right here Let me know what you guys think!!
Wow, I'm confused. It sounds amazing though. I'll have to check it out. EDIT: I get it now. That's pretty damn clever, I'll try and put it in a map.
Yeah, I typed this up pretty late and got kinda lazy explaining it. I just wanted to make a simple switch using minimal pieces. Thanks for checking it out in forge. I just made this quickly to get my idea down on forge. It obviously can be put together more neatly, but the idea is there. I may make this map after all.
Nicely done. I was working on a similar-ish switch idea a while ago, for a new style of slayer map. My plan was to create a switch that could alternate between a teleporter getting blocked and another one being opened. So the idea was at the beginning of the game that the switch was in a neutral configuration (both teleporters blocked) and that there would be a switch on either side of the device (one for blue team, one for red team). If Red team activated their switch it would unblock their teleporter and block Blue team's. If Blue team activated their switch then it would unblock their teleporter instead, subsequently blocking Red team's. The purpose of this would be for a slayer map with a central vantage point atop a hill. The first team to reach that hill would be able to unblock their team's teleporter to create a shortcut to the vantage point. The other team would then have to battle their way to the vantage point to take it back for themselves (by activating the switch for their team). I'd planned it to be a hybrid version of "Tower of Power". It was one of many ideas I ended up scrapping though!
Nice switch, but how you explained it really confused me, but I got it after five minutes of drooling on my desk. Once the red teleporter closes, the blue one opens! I get it now. It's like that saying "One door closes, another one opens." Again, nice switch. Simple, but effective.