Asset Map: Need Fans to Help!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Hello everyone, Mr Ipod Touch and Myself have been working on a New Asset Map. However, In the past I've screwed up on some asset maps.
    Cough* Cough* Asset Map Pack! Anyway, As I start the bottom portion I need Ideas. Now, I know alot of forgehubbers Like Asset. Im asking you the fans of Asset to help give us ideas. Please Post In the Comments if you have any Ideas. Thanks!

    - Devil95
  2. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
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    I am making a asset map but the ennemies will be Sentinel-Guard ( The ****ing flaying Robot with a lazer )
    and the big ennemie will be the Oracle ( Will spawn with a Spartan Lazer ) ! The map will be the halo 2 campaing mission The Library . So maybe you could put it in your map pack ! Resently i tell this idea to Mr Ipod Touch but he didint answer me .
  3. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Recon Speller? I though you were banned permenatly. Anywho, That Idea of yours doesn't sound like asset. Plus, I have really Confirmed the Map Pack 2 Yet. I know its on there. I just don't want to add the old maps to the New Map Pack. That Idea could ruin Asset. Plus you have many spelling mistakes!
  4. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    Hmm... I'd start off by saying not Holdout-style. Although there have been good Holdout maps in the past, they're getting to be quite a bore. Possibly an Escort style map, where you escort (duh.) the VIP to the destination point. Rifte Gifle's also working on a new spinoff, Asset Convoy, where the VIP has to get to several destination points instead of just one to end the round. You'll have to wait a bit for the official gametype, though.

    As for ideas, well, I suppose you could have a map taking place inside a Covenant ship, in which Vergil has to hack into the ship, setting it on a crash course, and then escaping to another destination point which unlocks itself later. Man, I just thought of that. That sentence was a huge run-on. Anyway, I recommend trying to use the blue lights to your advantage in the map.

    It would have to be a spinoff, though. I think Rifte's in demand for more of those these days.
    #4 Panncakez, Jan 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2010
  5. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ya i know but me in french Speller are like a wizard or somethings like Harty Potter !!! Anyways i dont think it will ruin the asset creation because we just change the ennemies and the kind of map !
  6. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I dont think anyone has done a good timed event map. Say spawn in a room, hold out for a minute and keep going through a series of timed events. That would be quite interesting. Much like Helps on The Way. That would be really interesting. Or make a holdout on like avalanche or another map, maybe ghost town.
  7. HopefulRUIN

    HopefulRUIN Ancient
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    Allthough I had a great idea for a non-holdout map, that idea seems to have escaped my mind, so, after thinking a bit I thought it would be cool to create a Holdout style map where the defenders spawned in a tall-ish and wide-ish building on the middle level of Sandbox, and like Shenanigans was saying about timed map events, doors or passage ways to the other floors would unlock one after another, eventually leading to the roof where a Hornet would await Vergil and the ODST's...
    Maybe it's a bit boring, and it may be too expensive to create a building around the size im thinking of, but, its all I can think of at the moment..
    ..If i remember that Idea I had before i'll get back to you..
  8. Asset 4 Life

    Asset 4 Life Ancient

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    I will definetly help you !! .. i have an Asset map ive created but not yet finished at least 65% finished.. i just need some ideas and help on it .. how about this ill help you if you help me ? :p .. together i bet we could come up with some sweet ****!
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Hmm i am doing an ODST asset mini pack, perhaps i could merge my maps into yours? Idk though all mine are holdout/escort. With perhaps their being a convoy map (Coastal Highway)
  10. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Im like only 2% done. Thats sad! I will help anyone with a map. Me and Touch have been set to different projects. I don't even think I'm gonna do Asset. Asset is Old and Boring. Im looking at New Modes! I will help others such as CaptnSTFU & Asset 4 Life.
    I know someone is gonna say "I thought you left?" Im not leaving until Tonight. Anyway, I will be talking to people and Viewing topics. Just not posting. Its not nessarly leaving. More like a Break! Forgehub is Awesome. Its just someone here pointed something out for me "Don't put to much on your plate!". I have too much. Thats why I wont be posting until March! With March I will be posting all maps in a DLC Pack. Remakes, RPG's, Slayer, Jump maps and Asset! Asset is looking into summer. However, That should take some weights off my hands. Anyway, Invite Me If you need help. Also The Asset is Planned. I don't want to get rid of that awesome idea that Mr Ipod Touch showed me. Captn I will accept. Just let me see them and I'll see. Im currently under a Judgement Map at the moment. AKA: Titanic. It isn't Titanic anymore. Its more like a Cargo Ship. Thanks for Commenting!
  11. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Thanks Devil, idk i may just let you have free roam on a few of them. Right now i have alot of crap going on. For one i havn't even started on the Guardian Lockout collaboration and i have atm 3 asset maps going along with a btb map and a huge joint project with (unnamed for secrecy measure). But i would defiantly love your or Ipod to help with the ODST pack, i still can't conceive why their has only been about 3 ODST remakes.
  12. Unfair Teamz

    Unfair Teamz Ancient

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    I say do a construction site sort of thing. Have a crane that looks like its workin on an incomplete building. You could also have random equipment for construction everywhere.
  13. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    I don't think asset is boring. I merely think that people have made it boring.
    Think about it; how many maps have you played of asset where theres a holdout on top of the high dune, and Covey forces run to the top of it?

    Asset just needs someone to introduce a game of it that makes it so you cannot camp, easy for covenant to reach the asset, new and more classes, and stuff like that. Asset is merely... un-peaked.
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Exactly that is why hopefully with my new mini pack it'l be more fun. New classes, no more typical dune maps. A good urban feel that should keep players on their toes to save the asset.
  15. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Astounding, very good. This is gonna go great!
    #15 Devil95, Feb 2, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2010
  16. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    Sorry guys I've been really backed up latley Im trying to finish BR2 in te next week and a half. Then I have another project. We could try a flood style asset map that is smaller and has no vehicles.

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