Archatraz Well, because of multiple complaints and my own stupidity, I've decided to ditch the teaser idea. I see why it doesn't work, Noxiw. Anyways, I'll just be releasing screenshots as I make the map. I'll also answer any questions that you may have. ^This is a good idea of what the style of the map is. It also shows the main building, and the pathway to the left. ^This is the open corner to the right of the building. From this you can see a pathway, the grav lift to the 2nd floor, and the back corner. ^This image shows the back area. Theres quite a bit back here, including the upper pathway, the cage, and more. ^This shows the back walkway, as well as the left entrance to the building. ^Following up the back walkway, this is what you see. The top of the walkway, a ceiling peice, and the back window of the building. ^Going into that back window, you see the 2nd floor of the building. The slit wall is where the man cannons in the second picture send you. ^This is the inside of the bottem floor. ^This is what I'm currently working on. Another building, although a little bit more floor space. It will also have a 2nd floor.
Taking my Epitel teaser idea? Well, that's fine, it's a good idea for a teaser anyway. From what I can see... There appears to be a pretty badass structure.... MOAR PIKTURz
Yeah, I kinda took the idea, but only because I liked it so much! But don't worry, if you're on my friends list, you'll end up seeing the map. No more pics till next week!
I remember you showing me this one time. Big wall with ramp, bad ass vertical structure, just invite me when you want to test this. Even though you probably won't be testing this for a while. You know me. Hmm...weird...I thought my glasses worked.
Wow looks a lot different than the last time I saw it-in a good way... I definitely want to check this out soon but from what I can see from the pic is that I made need glasses, jk and everything is looking good
Just had to be THAT GUY and make it blurry. but from what my eagle vision can see it looks nice. Yes Eagle Vision
OMG eagle vision I'm guessing, power weapon is rocket launcher? lol jks. It looks really cool to me. I hope your teaser idea doesn't epic fail like how Noxiw's did. Even with bluriness, it looks awesome. My hawk vision does that. Yes Hawk Vision
Editted the first post with some intel and another blurry picture. This one doesn't give away much of the map, so don't be quick to judge.
I have to say this looks really nice, although I did kinda go and look at the Screenshots on your Service Record. Some of the parts definitely look interesting, I'll be keeping an eye out for the Final Release. What Gametype(s) are you going for?
...Godamnit. Well, that sucks for me. But thanks, Those aren't even very recent pictures. I'll be looking for slayer, mainly, but it will be setup for all gametypes. And a note for everyone else... DONT LOOK AT MY RECENT SCREENSHOTS!!!111
I did think it looked a little incomplete, but what you had there looked really nice, as I said. One area that interested me in particular was the part just above the Sword Spawn. I won't mention exactly what it is as this is supposed to be a Teaser.
Telling people not to go look at your recent screenshots is practically inviting them to do it. Using reverse psychology and begging people to go look at your screenies would've probably worked better.
*update* Decided to get rid of that teaser idea. Didn't work out, with the recent screenshots and whatnot. Ya happy now, G043R?
Er... What do you mean nobody commented on the preview? Regardless, the map looks great, the structure reminds me of some of the old Halo CE maps such as hang em high, longest and chillout. Nicely Done, look forward to the final release,
So your idea epic failed. Very nice. Ok, the map looks fantastic without the blurriness. It reminds me of a Halo CE map (can't remember which). I can't wait until this is done.
Yep... from now on you should take screen shots only in off live customs. Glad you actually fixed your pictures.... Can't wait to see the finished product.
Wow ! Finally it was a good idea to take off the blur ! Do you will but some lights on the map ? If yes maybe a Great Purple Embiance could be great !