Hey guys, I have made a map In halo, It's a "Hide and seek" Map and I think it's awesome, I tried to post some pictures but it wouldn't work so, Check this: YouTube- Halo 3 - Custom Maps - "Hide and seek" - Fly-Thru But, before you download it, you Need to know, the game starts with the Humans on one side and the Infected zombie on the other, the zombie is trapped inside a fence box for 90 seconds while the Humans try and hide, there are active camos and the custom powerups are Stronger Camos, So, after 90 seconds, 6 fusion coils are detonated above the zombie, so that the humans know that the zombie is on the loose, a grav-lift also spawns, moving crates outta the way. to get found, you get shot, the aim of the game is to survive the longest, easy as that, so, till the next map, BU-BYE! Download it here Download the Gametype here
Hi, welcome to Forge Hub. Forum rules require that you post a short description of your map, along with pictures and/or video. If you want to learn how to embed photos, click here. Yeah, sorry about the post thing. I'm just trying to be polite, so I hope it didn't come across as too harsh. As for the map, it's simple, but the gametype has promise. I like the fact that you sort of re-created that class Hide 'n Seek that we all used to play in elementary school. I noticed one of the comments below said that the zombie might get bored: you could place a golf ball for cheap entertainment. That worked for Asset, at least for a while.
Yes, your post up to standards now. But a lot of people prefer it if you post pictures in case they have slow connections. Anyway, I watched the video and your map looks quite poorly forged. There is little to no interlocking or geomerging with makes it look quite messy. Look at forging 101, there are heaps of tips on building maps. If the humans can drive the vehicles, they won't even need to hide. Giving the humans 90 seconds to hide is a actually quite a long time, so the zombie might get bored. If you try to fix it up, it could be really good. There's a lot of potential in this map.
Well, for one the Humans DONT have access to the warthogs and such, yes, I'm not great at the visual stuff, Like I said, this is my FIRST map that didn't EPICLY FAIL I'm new to forge and I Don't take your post as an insult, I hate n00bies that take insult to an obvious fault in there Forgery, So, thanks for the tips and I hope to use your comments to help me learn more about forge and make more maps that dont look like a huge lump of stuff pushed together
ummm.. the download link... sends me to "http://javascript<b></b>:__doPostBack('ctl00$mainContent$xboxDownloadButton','')" do not fear, the moran is here THE LINK TO THIS MAP edit: i d/l and looked over this map, the fusion coils are not needed, you can make the bottom grav lift just spawn (i recomend 30 not 90) seconds in, then all would work...
try putting the traits. That would help alot. From the video, it looks pretty simple. Interlocking? Some large structures to jump from place to place. IMO there is much to be edited.
Yeah, I've not yet mastered the art of Interlocking, but I have some Ideas for my next map and I will hope to make it look and play better than this, thanks for your input! Yeah, the fusion coils are more for if the Hider had an Active camo and the finder is close they can explode them, or vice versa Yeah, I picked Hide and Seek to give the player the feel that they KNOW the game, Alot of maps like Trash compacter or JENGA you have to learn the game play and I just wanted a quick map that my friends and I could have a laugh on.
ahhh, I made a map jus like this. dont no wat happened 2 it but this game is tons of fun if u hav creative hidding spots. I didnt see a base though, I had 1 in mid-air at the top of the map so u could laugh at the zombie while he tried to find sum1 else