Yep, another map. (Don't worry, the list of maps-in-progress will be released...) A competative map, that's also a warthog playground. Dubbed 'Marks', this will be a symetric map with an urban feeling. But the real twist will be the way One-flag and One-bomb work on here. Update: (video is out of date) YouTube- Map Preview - Marks - By Noxiw Kind of crappy quality, the best I could do for a video atm. Discuss.
...???!!! Another map on the mid-level? I guess everyone has their preferences... It really does look good though. Fantastic middle structures.
I like BtB, and I have a really hard time organizing BtB maps in the crypt/skybubble. I'll do one in either/both of those locations at some point. Thanks for the comment though =D
wow. I swear it looks like a map that is from the game starwars battlefront. =) Just kidding. I am really liking what I am seeing. the central structures look grand and no doubt the out areas will be astonishingly amazing. nice job and keep up the good work. BTW, I cant wait to see how the one bomb and flag will play out...
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING ON THIS WTF Dude I am SOOOOOO getting on Halo right now just to see this **** like god damn
You should like try and finish a map before starting new ones. I find that if I work on more than one map at I time I can't focus as much on the maps and therefore they become bad. p.s: I know my sig shows 3 maps, but Pitfall just needs testing and Fish and Clips is kinda forgotten (but I dont want to delete it)
You have a good point, however, most of the maps I am working on are finished, just need to go through testing (which they do) and refined if need be. I try not to be actively working on more than one map at a time.
*starts clapping faster* So this is what you did with that circle idea. I would've liked to see it around the guardian tower but this still looks really sick. The rings look awesome!
Looks epic. I like the center structure, high but little cover, and how most people wont stay up there, just run up get the power weapon and jump down. I also like the merged half walls as road blocks. It adds another feeling to the map.
Wow the map looks great ! With the video you give me a boost of hope to post the final post faster ! Question on each base do they have a spartan lazer ?
I can haz invite? I really like all the vehicle jumps and stuff like that. It makes the circles traversable by vehicles and that could produce some epic gameplay. The random merged blocks in some places are kinda meh for me though.
If you're online I'll be sure to invite you. (I don't know when It'll actually be tested) As for the random blocks, I was REALLY cutting the budget close on this map. I would've went with something a little more complex, but I believe I have four dollars left to work with. (And I can't seem to find unneccesary things) As proved before by Scobra and myself (And I'm sure other people as well) multiple spartan lasers on a map aren't neccessarily overpowering if the map is set up correctly. I believe that this map is set up correctly. Edit: Updated:
Multicogs is definitely one of your best works so far. It's one of my favorite mid level map (which if you know me says a lot) Great work and I look forward to playing on it some more.
It looks pretty cool. I just don't see the point of a chopper, when there is no room to really drive. Everything is so tight and close together. How could the chopper really work? Other than that, it looks great so far. I am a big fan of BTB maps, ecpecially ones on the main level. I will be looking forward to seeing how this comes out.