Damnation was by far one of my favorite maps in Halo: CE. Though the potential for its creation has been around for a while (sandbox skybubble), i have yet to see a truly convincing and accurate remake. I am posting this thread in the hope that someone will be inspired to recreate this classic map. So...uh yeah....discuss.
I've been considering a re-imagination of that map, but I did not like the original enough to forge it in its exactness. I'm going to start a Sketch-up design sometime this week. I'll post it back here or send it to you if I end up liking it.
I've seen a pretty good remake of damnation somewhere, can't remember whether it was on FH or somewhere else. I remember it being quite accurate so unless you're remaking it exactly then I wouldn't bother, theres still some CE maps that haven't been remade yet.
I had been working on a "spiritual successor" to Damnation, but I hit a wall and never revisited it. Unfortunately I deleted it off my hard drive because I didn't think I'd even need it again.
If you remake it, remake it as pure as possible because it was a fun map. Other than Wizard and Battle Creek, it was the only map that wasn't huge that me and my friends played a lot. Also don't use red lights to mark where the red team starts because it would take away from it looking like Damnation. Use both blue lights though at different sides of the map as asthetic touches. The blue lighting will help make a similar coloration to the original map. And keep the original weapon set too. If you make a map that meets those criteria, I not only download it from you, but love it too lol.
Well there is my re-imagination of it: "Aquarius" (working on v2 with less suck in it) and there is Blamnation
I would say go for it. There is a very good remake out there called Blamnation but there are various inaccuracies that could be cleaned up to perfect what I consider one of the best Halo maps in existence.
Ee i search in my head but i dont found Damnation anywhere ! Could you add picture ! and maybe i know what is that map: Like a covy ship with a Overshield on a catwalks and a turbine room ?