borderlands, if I die and that would most likely happen, I just respawn by a pole. or final fantasy, killing that crap would be fun
Zombieland. I'd be able to visit all the celebrity houses and, once I gain access to all of the nukes lying around, I'll just nuke everywhere I'm not .
I would probably live in the fallout 3 world cause there is nothing I want to be more than a badass in armor running around with a laser or plasma rifle....... or Lincoln's repeater or the fatman or the experimental MIRV.
Imagine living in pacman. just sitting in a dark room munching pills and listening to repetative music...
A "Developer-Class" game editor, for everyone, where everyone can only edit their own stuff. "That's not a game?" - Why is Kodu considered a game? Or Physics Sandboxes?
For some reason I've always thought it would be awesome to be Sam Fisher, from any given Splinter Cell game.