Basic Magnetism Tech Guide How It Works Magnetism tech is quite simple. They take advantage of a useful trait of gravity lifts: a gravity lift, in addition to lifting objects above it, will also affect objects immediately below it. man cannons have the same property, but the pull below a man cannon is quite weak. Gravity lifts in magnetism switches can use their pull to do several things; hold an object up against a surface, hold an object sideways againt a surface, or increase the gravity and pull down on an object. Because the strength of the pull below a gravity lift is not extremely strong it can still be overcome in certain ways. For example, if you are already moving pretty quickly (from a man cannon or other force) the magnetism will still affect you but not as strongly as it would if you were moving slowly. Demonstrations 1. Holding Up The warthog is being lifted and held against the wall because of the gravity lift above it. This concept can also be used to hold players up against a surface. 2. Holding Sideways This crate would naturally fall to the ground but the gravity lift behind it is angled to hold it against the side of the wall. 3. Increase Gravity Here is the normal jump height of a player. Here is the decreased jump height of a player when the gravity is increased by standing above an upside-down gravity lift. Click the link in my sig for more guides.
Wow how did you think about all those thinghs ? You are so igenious man ! I will take care of thoose switch like to map next map !
yeah i know this one seems pretty dumb but the other switch techs are more difficult. I just thought I'd expand on the different "techs" I talked about in my SWITCH GUIDE
When a player is being held up by Magnetism, like in the second picture, can he or she still move around? How much range does each Grav Lift have? For example, I could see it being used to move over a deathball, provided you can actually move and they have enough range. And do the Grav Lift Equpiment Pick Ups have the exact same affect as the Grav Lift Forge Item?
You can also line up gravity lifts and use them to "fly" kind of. For example, make a pit, put a kill ball in it, put a roof at least a bit more than a player's height above it, line up gravity lifts over the roof, jump up against the ceiling, and then you can make yourself float forward over the kill ball safely to the other side. I have been thinking of working that concept into a zombie map but I'm occupied with other maps at the moment, not zomby maps.