Title: Among the Trees V2 Short Description: Code Red! Zombies! Get too your Defence, and Defend yourselfs. Download Map Download Gametype Description: Ghost Town Based. Really Scary and fun, 6 Fun Bases to play with. Theres a flamethrower, and flares for lights. I spent about 6 Hours on this. I Never spent that much time before on a Map. So please comment. Anywho..This map is Great for Infection, i used to filters to make a Dark Effect for Fear, And Fun. So Stick together Or Die. Recommon atleast 3 people at each base if i was you. Each base has it's Features Which will make you live. I Tested this with 4 People and they thought it was very Scary and Exciting. I screamed Once because one of my friends popped up beside me and i didn't notice it . There are Lights so you won't just be in PITCH Dark. The Whole "Town" is Basicly blocked off Cept, like Three Entrances. Ones Secret which will lead into a base. Ones under that Arch. One into a Base. Theres alot of fun in this map so i hope you al enjoy it. :] Pictures: Human Startpoint Infected StartPoint Main Base Fun Last Stand Base Another Tree Fort Base, this ones Good to snipe on too help Main Base out. :] Ruined Building Base FlameThrower Cool Bridge At Dark
um...... eaither my laptops really messed up, or this really aint up to standards, i only see 1 pic, no description and no download locations
Um... So there's a start point and that's all? No link, no description, no other screenshots? Sorry, this isn't up to standards...
OK, sorry. NOW it looks good. I'll try it when I'm allowed back on. Also, I see you used the same filter combo I used in one of my maps!
((Offtopic, Message too GoodwhaleSushi.))Didn't you know Hard Nipples i've met you alot when me and him were playing infection Yet He died :'( ((Ontopic.)) Thanks, Sorry for that. I don't even know how it randomly deleted my whole page. Maybe too long ..took me like 15minutes..
Alright Second. Forgot bout those And yeah goodwhalesushi, he hasn't been on for atleast 2+ Months. :'/