YouTube- RCT Halo 3 tritage I'm really sorry about the very shitty quality. there was a problem with the computer we used and it ended up crashing so we had to use a piece of crap computer to capture and edit. we will be redoing it after i get a cap card compatible with my new computer. Oh and if you try to search for it on youtube, its not coming up yet for some reason.
Very nice music, and it was put together very well. I would have suggested putting the names at the bottom instead of across the middle, and lowering the volume, but other than that, it is a great montage.
yea like i said technical difficulties:/ but i have ordered a new cap card for my new computer and will redo it
The kills really aren't all that special, just a bunch of no-scopes and the occasional stick or br. I would highly recommend redoing it, the quality really does make it worse. Not to be harsh, but it's definantly not one of the better montages I've seen in a while.