Sandbox Outpost Zeta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by sgtelzilcho, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    Outpost Zeta

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    8-16 Players

    Supported gametypes: All

    Recent excavations at Outpost Zeta have revealed some interesting structures buried under the sand.

    Brief Description

    Outpost Zeta is a massive map including gameplay in the wastelands. The map is a large symetrical one best used with team games e.g. CTF, Assault.

    Weapon List

    Battle Rifles 6
    Shotguns 2
    Sniper Rifles 2
    Plasma Pistols 2
    Brute Shots 2
    Rocket Launchers 2
    Spartan Laser 1
    Covenant Carbines 2
    Machine Gun Turrets 3​


    1 Banshee
    8 Mongooses/Mongeese?
    1 Transport Hornet​


    Plasma Grenades 6
    Bubble Shields 2
    1 Power Drain
    Trip Mines 2
    1 Regenerator
    1 Overshield
    1 Active Camo​

    Don't worry about objects that are light it only happens in forge not in normal gameplay​

    The map from behind Red Base​

    Red Base​

    The map from behind Blue Base​

    Blue Base​

    Tower One (Hillside) looks messy because it is supposed to have been bombed​

    Rear of Tower One​

    Tower Two​

    Rear of Tower Two​

    The center of the map​

    Banshee Landing Pad​

    Hornet Landing Pad​

    Fireing Range (One at each side of the map)​

    The Center Tower (Laser is on the roof)​

    Active Camo Spawn​

    Overshield Spawn​

    Constructive critisism welcome.

    --> Download <--
    #1 sgtelzilcho, Jan 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010
  2. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Your map looks like you really used ghost merging... I'm scared of ghosts...

    Anyway it looks like a Halo Wars kind of map, and everybody hated it, but I thought it had room for improvement. Maybe I'll resurect it...

    Anyway I think your doing a good job, but it seems like you could have spent more money on the bases, and not as much for random cover. Looks good though ;)
  3. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
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    Thanks for the kind words.
    Yea me and the people who made this map have been testing it since about april 2009 (This is actaully version 13) and we found that without the cover in the center you just got ripped to shreads by snipers around the outside, although the map has changed alot since V3 so maybe you're right :)
  4. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this is a really cool map i almost always love the ones that incorporate the outside zone one thing with your map though is that i would try cleaning up the hill tower so that it looks smoother cause right now it look really sloppy and im assuming you know how to ghost merge since there are objects half buried in the sand also i would put more cover in the center of the map more buildings or objects in general other than that the bases and other 2 towers look really cool and very playable

    forgot to mention the shooting ranges are very cool this isnt necessary but i think it would be cool to put a tele in the tube piece behind each one that will take you near NOT IN a base you said there was one on each side so there could be one for each team and would make the center a big crossfire deal
    #4 spectraltravis, Jan 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2010
  5. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    How come your "tower" bases are pretty messy, but when i look at all your other bases they look amazing? haha i like the idea you have for this map but your tower bases could use some work. all of your other bases look fantastic.

    Also, good job having a lot of anti air weaponry. Some people forget to put in a lot of it when they add in two air vehicles.
  6. Panncakez

    Panncakez Ancient
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    The map does look good, and it did make good use of ghost merging. The random cover looks... random. I know it was for the better, but there might be a way to make it seem a little neater. Also, I was surprised when I saw that the 1st Tower was so messy, compared to the other bases.

    Ghost merging would have been useful there: I recommend using a second controller for another vantage point. That's what I do for complex Forges, just to make sure everything is straight. Just a suggestion.

    I also have a few questions:
    -What's with that weird lighting on the red base?
    -What's that small object on top of the center tower?
  7. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The first tower is supposed to look messy it wasn't sown clearly in the picture but there are bits of rubble strewn down the hillside, it was supposed to look like it had been hit by a bomb, I'll host a game on it at some time because we rarely got a chance to test it 8v8


    The lighting is just because I was in forge it does not happen in game.
    The object on the center tower is the Spartan Laser
    #7 sgtelzilcho, Jan 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2010
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Your picture was good, I understood the building/ base/ tower whatever is supposed to look like its in ruins. I think you did about as good of a job going for that appearance as is possible with forging. Although adding in a lot of those broken column pieces would help other people to realize its in ruins perhaps since they look like they're broken in half or eroded away or something.

    The map is excellent though compared to other maps I have seen using the outer area of Sandbox. I am actually working on a map right now using the same area, but I decided not to try to make use of nearly as much area as you have because for one thing my main building is what the map is focused on, so it eats up the budget, and secondly I decided the area is just so big I don't want people to be forced to go through man cannons or teleporters, or drive to get across the map. But I am considering adding in teleporters now still.

    I think you did a great job making your structures as good as they are since you have a bunch of them. Its tough to make a large map with more than one structure that greatly affects the game for me at least, but you did that very well.

    I'm downloading this, and I'm picky about what I download lol.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    To me at least this looks much like sandtrap, with respect to openness, but without the vehicles. Gameplay on large maps without vehicles is often agonizingly slow, where you walk all the way to where there are enemies, only to be immediatly killed.

    Did you block the guardians in a way that only slightly enlarges the map, or is the entire empty space around the map open to anyone who wishes to go out there.
  10. sgtelzilcho

    sgtelzilcho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are mongooses on the map to make travell quicker. We would have used more vehicles but we hit the budget limit.

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