So I plan on repairing my xbox by myself...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bomb Champion, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    The issue: When I put a game in my xbox, instead of playing it or saying "Play Game", it just says "Open Tray". This is within the last few months, and the problem just got very serious recently. Occasionally I would get lucky smacking it a little or shaking while it tries to read the game, but within the last week, it's taken crazy **** (like putting my subwoofer on top and playing full volume) to get it to work. Yesterday, none of my methods worked.

    What I plan to do: Open her up, swap the chip in my current drive with one in a new drive (so I don't have to flash the drive), and then put on a cool case mod. I'm starting as soon as I get both the new drive and the new case, so I should be all good. No more help/advise/whatever needed, thank you. I know what I'm doing, I know how to do, and it shouldn't take me longer than an hour.
    #1 Bomb Champion, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2010
  2. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Seems like everyone's getting this recently...I had it a while ago and I got it working by nudging around the drive, and since then it's worked fine. I wouldn't open the Xbox unless you're absolutely sure you can't send it in, I've not seen many successful in fixing it. If your warranty is expired or something, you're going to want a new laser, or even better, a whole new drive. A drive won't be too hard to install and should fix any problems you have, a laser could fix it but will be harder...though cheaper than a whole new drive. Remember, you need the same exact drive model as the one in your Xbox.

    I wouldn't open it if you're trying to look for stuff to clean up. You'll need to decide what you want to fix (it's probably the laser) before you open it up.
  3. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm going to agree with insane on this oe, unless your warranty is expired or you have no way to send it in to microsoft dont mess with it too much. I dont know that much about the inner workings of my wox but i know theres a sticker on the inside that if removed or cut or tampered with will void your warranty, just be careful man.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    This happens to me on occasion.
    I just kinda wiggle the disk tray, and yea. Just keep putting it in, and eventually it'll work. And then you know you climaxed her......I mean, you can play the game.
  5. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    I was thinking about that, but I've also read that some have had success just cleaning all the parts of the drive. Do you happen to know the price of a new drive?

    It is out of warranty. It still has a bit of time in the three year warranty, but **** it. It's either pay $100 now to fix this issue or pay $100 when/if I get RRoD again.

    This happens every time I turn mine on. Ten out of ten times it will not work.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'd try and do everything possivble to fix the issue without opening it first. Get a hoover in there etc. If the disc is not being read, and the tray is closing properly, then you have an issue with the laser. Either the laser is damaged, or wires associated with it are, stopping it from functioning.

    You should check the status on your warrenty. If i'm not mistaken, you can sent your xbox back regardless of warrenty if the issue is overheating, in which case just switch it on and wrap it in a few towels for a day. Voila, free replacement. Don't take my word for it though.
  7. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    I've basically tried everything from vacuums to singing to it. And as for my warranty, the only left is the last bit of my RRoD/E74 warranty. I've officially decided that I will now treat my xbox as if it were a computer: I'm not paying some MS employee to fix the issue for more money than I can spend to fix it myself.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Good man.

    If it were Apple software i would urge you to reconsider, but sometimes i forget which corporation it is ordering you about. Go for it.
  9. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    We actually have Mac throughout our house. But we don't get that attitude until the computer is out of warranty. The computer I'm on's warranty is actually up today, haha.

    Edited OP, any questions?

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