7th on the 7th. WTF?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Urban Myth, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Is there never going to be a community map playlist again. I hope matchmaking FFA is a one time thing but it seems like bungie would make this playlist permanent and that would just be a horrible idea. WE HAVE TWO FFA PLAYLISTS ALREADY, SO WHY MAKE THE DOUBLE XP WEEKEND MYTHIC BRAWL AND 7TH ON 7TH FFA?
  2. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I know what you mean. It's pretty stupid that mythic brawl is on at the same as an FFA 7th on the 7th. I don't understand why Bungie have to make a community content playlist - they should just put more community content into normal matchmaking. They should still make a special playlist on the 7th of every month, though. Maybe a triple XP playlist?
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    OVER 9000 xp weekend
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I'm sick of Bungie trying to force people to buy their stupid pos ODST. I am NOT paying $50-$60 for 3 new maps and firefight mode.

    And what else pisses me off is that they throw the other new maps I PAID FOR in with the playlists REQUIRING the stupid Mythic disk. I assume thats one of the two discs in ODST.

    I'm sick of not being able to play the new maps I downloaded. And I would love to be able to download the 3 newest maps that come with ODST, but noooooo, Bungie wants me to pay $50 dollars for those!!!

    I also agree its stupid Bungie isn't putting any custom maps in matchmaking. No one plays anything except MM, and I don't understand why. I guess its just because most people try to make a map in 5 minutes, and when it turns out to be a piece of crap they assume all custom forged maps are pieces of crap.

    But if Bungie would just put forged maps in MM then people would play them!

    I even think every single map should have its own playlist. I don't get why we're stuck with so few options in MM. If I want team slayer on Avalanche, why can't I play that with other people that want to?

    Would it really be that hard to go into Team Slayer, ranked or social, and then also pick a certain map I want to play like Avalanche?

    I guess Bungie is terrified if they did that some maps would barely get used like Isolation. It seems like everyone veto's Isolation, and I don't blame them, I always veto that garbage lol. But still, that would tell Bungie very clearly what players want a map to be like if one map was way more popular than another one.
  5. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    You do know that microsoft determines the marketing of Halo right? I'm sure if it was bungie's decision, they would release the maps on the marketplace and would have made ODST 40 dollars but its not theirs to decide.
  6. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I second that.

    It's pretty sad that Microsft have control over most of the Halo marketing. They didn't make it, Bungie did.

    Eating lunch makes a really good point, too.
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Senior Member

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    Indeed. Maption Sack is the name. Its no longer a 7 on the 7th playlist, but a standard dbl xp weekend in the rotation. Shishka has a thread about it in Optimatch, and Urk touched on it in Thursday's Weekly Update.

    The updates to the maps are supposedly fairly significant in some cases. The updates were slated to go through last month, but for one reason or another they were pushed back.

    Don't be foolish. Microsoft is the Publisher. Its what publishers do. Microsoft being the publisher allows Bungie to say things like "we have no control over that" and play the nice guy role, when in reality, they likely wouldn't do much too terribly different themselves. Its business, and its smart business at that.
  9. fornozo

    fornozo Ancient
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    Lights, You do know that microsoft now owns the Halo franchise?

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