true true. I just don't want to think about h3 for the pc. then I might have to get 2 8800 ultras instead of one and drop the Killer m1 card
Outdoor levels do have height restrictions too though. Most people never think of it but that is probably why the invisible wall stops your banshee from flying too high. Then again, I can get about 3 stories with walls and boxes in foundry so not that great. By the time you get up there you are almost out of boxes and walls anyways.
Yea but i think what people want to do with the really high ceiling is make a gigantic tower, not very wide, but VERY tall, say, at least 5 double boxes in height. I can just imagine the fun possibilities. That would rock.
I think that a sweet map would be a big square map inside a castle (themed like sanctuary from Halo 2), of course with objects fitting the theme. Or maybe some sort of just open space in the sky and a bunch of chunks to stick together to create a island in the sky, or for that matter 2 islands in the sky with a man cannon on each one to cross over to the other one.
Ehh, yea thats an interesting idea too. I think no matter what Bungie does, if they do make another one the most important thing over everything is that they give us an ENTIRELY new pallette of objects!!! I mean, I guess its okay if we keep the double boxes, walls, etc from foundry. But i hope they at least change the colors of them or something. Because you know by the time this actually comes out, (if) we will be so bored of looking at Foundry's bland-ass color schemes and walls.
I hope they add a new object called "Kill Zone." It would be similar to a hill marker or spawn area marker, except if you stay in it for more than 3 seconds you die, kinda like when you get out of the maps of certain parts. It would make the need for barriers obsolete, giving us more objects to work with on a map (1 kill zone could equal a whole wall of boxes in Foundry) And as for an outdoors Foundry-style map, I just hope it has bottomless pits you can fall in. Maybe give us some auto-floating platforms and just a big open pit. Would be cool.
I personally would like to see more highly customizable maps like foundry because it allows players to come up with their own creative ideas.
They said there will be...does no one read these Bungie things? Oh and no, b/c noobs make bad maps on it and think it is good
Yes, yes they must. I want to make a map outside theme with a flat ground, so I can make a building space. Forsay, a landing field, like the one outside the fence on The Pit.
No, don't make another map like Foundry. Make a better Foundry. Take away those stupid hanging claws, let the walls touch the floor at a 90 degree angle, and give us a bigger variety of scenery, both anchored and loose.
Both devon and furious( didn't feel like typing yoor whole names) have interesting points. When I mean "like Foundry" I don't mean exactlly like Foundry. Ima sayin different objects, scenery, theme, size, smell, etc. Now to Yavi, I agree that tons of n00bzorz make **** maps on foundry but look at how many great and innovative maps have been made there, my personal favorite is BetaWaffle's Tunnels because it implements Conquesst perfectly( great game BTW and if you haven't played it you have 30 seconds to do so before the sniper outside pulls the trigger*) *He's using an airsoft gun but don't tell him that.
There should be more maps they allow players to fully use there forge abillities. Yes many noobs create maps that suck but for what it is the map is really fun.
I voted Perhaps. I would like highly customizable maps, but not entirely. maybe like a real map, like High Ground and Last Resort, but highly customizable... I can't decide whether or not it'd be cool to delete camp froman or the big base... Lol.
Not necessarily I would love an outside map that is clear with foundry objects + more, really I would just like foundry objects on all maps. -Donuts
Or Foundry-like objects that are the same as the foundry objects but with a different skin to match the map
That's kinda what I meant... I meant I'd like to be able to delete everything on high ground including the bridge and AA gun and stuff. You gotta admit that'd be cool to configure a CTF map on there from scratch.
Yes! There needs to be more variety. I'm bored of all the maps looking like a warehouse. Why should we need to use our imagination? We need a higher ceiling, an outdoor flat map, and different looking scenery. While they are at it, why not throw in some curved stuff?