Just watched the movie for the second time.. i really like it, my only problem is it wasnt one of those movies that was extremely gratifying the second time if you know what i mean.. like there werent any extra stuff to pick up. anyways hi again, i've been preoccupied lately and havent been on when i could have. v2 too warm would be my only complaint EDIT: stock Spoiler
I really like it, the contrast and colours are great. The stock isn't the same as the one you used in the Sig itself by the way. Holmes' facial expression is different.. unless of course, you managed to change his expression in PS.
Agreed, the stock is definately not the same. Soemthing's weird about it. Yeah, my only complaint would be that the colours shoudl be more blue in my opinion. But I think that's personal preference.
ahaha wasnt sure if yo guys would notice.. i got the real stock as a download from their flash site so i couldnt link to it.. so i just posted one that was close anyways, thanks, yeah i think il add a blue filter next time i open it up in PS
Is it just me, or does the "stock" knight posted look like somebody shopped Rober Downey Jr.'s face down about 5 pixels?
if the sun don't come you get a tan from standing in the english rain. -I am the Walrus but your right