I would like an accurate remake of all Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3 maps. Plus a whole host of orignals for Reach. Imagine if Reach shipped with like 60 maps. that would be epic
yeah im already doing a map inspired by narrows, not a remake, if i can get close enough to the original i might do a remake
How so? The curvy-ness of it both promotes constant movement and creates odd angles for bouncing nades and exchanging fire. It is also the only map within the realm of "Tiny" size that works with no death pits.
SIDEWINDER!!!! And not that Avalanche garbage lol. In my opinion Avalanche is Sidewinder all screwed up. I don't think Bungie's map designers that made Avalanche actually understood the gameplay in Sidewinder well enough to redo it. Although I LOVE the giant cavern in Avalanche. Its looks great, but it should have been worked into the middle because there was hardly ever a fight in that spot on Sidewinder anyway. The fights near the middle tunnel in Sidewinder always happened just out in front of it, outside for some reason. So they could have made the middle much thicker and longer, and put the cavern the opposite way. Then they wouldn't have needed to introduce that new pathway that screws up gameplay. The man cannons and two-way base teleporters really screwed with the gameplay too, and the positioning of the sniper rifles in the middle of the map instead of inside the bases like on Sidewinder. And the removal of the teleporters from the far corners of the map so that you could teleport to the other side was bad for gameplay too because it made it nearly impossible to cross the map on foot on the outside without it taking forever. So I would remake: SIDEWINDER!!!, High Ground, Narrows, Battle Creek, Blood Gulch, Wizard, Damnation, Chiron TL34, Sandtrap, and Ascension.
I don't want Bungie to do much in the way of official remakes. While some remakes might be nice to have, particularly the MLG maps, I feel I'd rather have a new experience, or at least a spiritual successor, over a map I've already played before and that was designed for a different game. If I was making a remake, though, I'd probably want to do Terminal. I've always been a big fan of that map and don't think it ever got the credit it deserved.
Meh, I'd go with Backwash or Headlong. And from Halo 3, guardian and longshore. I really wouldn't be surprised if Bungie made an official Guardian remake. It was probably on of Halo 3's best maps.
I would love to remake Blackout, it's by far my favorite map I would also like to remake Guardian in Halo:Reach as well, I think it would be cool, but if theres an official remake or if there is no new tools in the Forge Mode, I think I will leave it.
Utah Mambo I know there are better forged maps out there, and I don't even really like the one-flag type maps, but that seems the best candidate for Bungie to acknowledge the forge community's contribution to Halo 3. It's the only forge map Bungie's incorporated into matchmaking that is actually worth playing. If I was an artist I'd doctor some screenshots of it to fit an updated aesthetic that Bungie could use, but I'm not.
Heretic, Guardian, Construct, Last Resort, Narrows, The Pit, Valhalla (Or other similar styled BTB map.) Edit: Lawl, read title wrong. Those are the ones I'd want bungie to remake. I'd make new maps and let other people copy bungie.
I would probably do High Ground (might even do that now), The Pit, or Zanzibar/Last Resort if possible