The Halo Exam BY: IxGironimo89xI Description: My favorite maps in Halo 3 have always been the puzzle maps. I love how they test your ability to think rather than skill at the game. Plus its fun to see all the creativity that goes into puzzle maps. After playing many of them, I decided to make my own. This isn't my first puzzle map, it is the one that I am most proud of and have put in the most work. And that's how this map came to be! The Map: The map is very original from any other puzzle maps I have seen so far. It is both a minigame and a puzzle in the way you go through a series of ten increasingly harder puzzles to get points. After you pass through the challenge, you get a point and pass through a teleporter to the next challenge. In the map description, I have given ranks based on the number of points you score, just as a fun bonus. The map starts off extremely simple for the first test, while the last one is more than difficult. The map does not require you to be a good halo player. It challenges your observation skills, timing, and the ability to learn from a great deal of trial and error. The Gametype: The gametype is VIP allowing you to get each of the points at the end of the challenge. Since it's VIP, ONLY ONE PERSON MAY PLAY THE MAP AT A TIME. Playing it with anymore will ruin the process of the map. You start out with a pistol and normal sheilds and health. You are also able to see the location of the next point to direct you. I assure you though that seeing it, will NOT assist in getting through the challenge. The trick is to use whats around you when it is time, and take every step with caution. Pictures: An unforgetable moment Now what? Long way down Surf the wave So many choices Victorious Download Map Download Gametype Thank you for reading and trying it out! Please leave comments and advice for future maps, and ask me any questions! Also I want to thank close to 50 testers of the map. Currently, the only person to finish the map is Theo1215. So I would very much like to hear you guys beating it! Goodluck everyone and thanks
I try to get good pictures, but its hard on puzzle maps to make it were you don't give anything away. Thanks though.
Usually pictures give away a lot less than you think. Even if you take a picture showing everything in a room, people are gonna see everything that you've shown as soon as they enter that room. If they can figure it out from a picture, they will be able to figure it out as soon as they walk into the room, so it doesn't really make that much difference. I like to include lots of pictures to show off all the different types of rooms etc. You wan't to be showcasing your map, not hiding it and expecting people to download it to find out what's in it.