Well mabye it's just me and my 7 other friends that played it 15hours non-stop after release. And never touched it again. I stay at my argument en that's that borderlands is fun for maximum of 30 hours. But difference with AC2 is that Ac2 got more. + That the game got amazing graphics (and well if you say not so mabye your tv just suck. but mine is full high definition). + Good storyline. Because it doesn't work with a game like borderlands to bribe reviewers. Friends of mine that saw the game thought it was TOTALLY GAY. So that was a better option to do not. But AC2 was so good that people already want to buy it!
Argument? The point of this thread isn't for arguing about whether AC2 is better than Borderlands. The thread was made so you could give the OP your opinion on which game you prefer. It says nothing about making an argument about other peoples opinions. You've had your post to give your opinion now move on.