TWIN TOWERS CREATED BY EMERGING KILLER This map is only used for assault As you can remember on 9/11/01 there was a horrific tragedy on the twin towers which scared everyone for life. and many lives were lost and ones that could never be brought back.i have made a recreation of the twin towers, but less horrific. if you are on the blue team you are a terroist and you have to plant the bomb in 3 places to win the right tower the left tower or the parking garage which off to the left of the towers the towers are lined with explosives and as soon as you drop in there, there is no way out so in a way it is a suicide bombing. now if you on the red team you are a police or fireman and you have to defend the towers. you guys only have one choice defend the towers and if you fail disaster will strike again. TO DOWNLOAD THIS MAP VARIENT: TO DOWNOAD GAME VARIENT: Picture 1: overview of map Picture 2: the towers Picture 3: the towers exploding Picture 4: the parking garage Picture 5: inside of tower 1 Picture 6: inside of tower 2
hey dude FYI the last time someone posted a map about 9/11 it got eaten alive and not in a good way sounds like a great idea but it might be in your best interest to stay away from touchy subjects like this PS the towers are leaning a bit.
yeah man i dont mean to seem touchy but some people get touchy (including me, I lost a cousin in 9/11) when stuff is made about truly horrific events in Americas' past. Dont get me wrong though, the map does a good job of re-creating that.....moment.
this is true but your kinda pushing the limits all i see on 9/11 maps are flaming, and people getting in trouble
um yea i new ppl that died in here nd i dont think this is a right map to post on here sorrry but it just doesnt feel right
I don't think it's right to make a game out of one of the most horrific events that have ever occurred. No DL.
No, I think it's fun to reenact events that killed thousands of people on american soil. When will you guys start flaming me? *cry* _______________________________________________ If anyone decides to start flaming or saying rude comments about 9/11 such as previous statements saying they can't wait to blow it up is going to get a face full of infractions. Right now, this is everyone's warning. -TXGhost
yea hidden ninja i feel the same way and i dont understand how some ppl can amke fun of this event when people from your own country died for no reaon wtf is that
... there are games based around WWII, terrorism, and the war in the east but this guy gets flamed for remembering those who lost their lives? if you want to be ignorant and just forget about 9/11 then that is your choice, but i think those who died should be remembered, whether in a book, statue, or even a video game. 9/11 isnt a crisis anymore, its a part of american history and your just gonna have to deal with that
the map is made good, but as alot of ppl have said the subject may have been a bit bad, with the whole ww2 thing, thats cause' it happened so long ago, with 9/11 it was only 6 and a half years ago, its a little to soon for 9/11 maps in my opnion
Your right and im not flaming him im flaming the ones who are excited to "blow up the towers" in a game i no this sounds a little imaature but if one of your loved ones died in this tragedy you would be complaining to.
I am sure people around during WWII feel the same way about games about those events as we do about this
There is a reason that the Holocaust and Hiroshima are left out of videogames. Bombing innocent people should not be "fun." The subject matter of this map is likely to cause many "flame" posts and upset members. Many people are obviously offended that you created a "fun" map about a terrorist attack that killed some of their friends or family. This thread is getting many extra posts as a result of the subject, and should not be posted here because of it. The "Forge Maps" forum is for disscussing and posting various different new creations thought of by the person posting and forging them. On these maps players participate in fictional "wars" where no one is actually hurt. The subject matter for map posts is expected to not be anything offensive to anyone, because of the obvious problems this can cause. As a result this map is locked.