[SIZE=+5]A|I|S|L|E|S[/SIZE] by Soccerholic1816 Aisles is a very small, symmetrical, arena-style map. It was made with inspiration from the Forge Hub Showdown maps, but made to be a little bigger and open. Yes, when you go take a look through it, or play through it, you might find things a little sloppy or imbalanced. I do not own a 360 and borrowed a friends for Spring Break, so I had little time to make, test, and edit the map. I really wish that I had more time to fix things up, but alas, I don't. If and when I get a 360, I will probably revisit Aisles and redo it properly. But, for being a non-360 owner, and this being my first map, I think I did a pretty decent job. So onto the rest of the description: There is three rooms to Aisles, two side rooms, and the larger main one. There are two ways from the side rooms into the main room, one exit onto the floor, the other exit to the second floor. On either side of main room is a small upper level, that gives a better view of main floor and somewhat of a sniper position with the BRs. From these upper levels, you can jump onto the bridges that cover part of the first floor, where you can grab some of the more powerful weapons. On the floor in the main room, there are walls that separate the whole room into aisles, the maps namesake. There are many different weapons to use on the map, and a couple equipments too. The map is compatible with all built in gametypes, but I suggest changing some of the settings due to the size of the map. Anything more than 6 players is too many, and 6 may be pushing it too. I suggest KOTH, I had a great time 1 on 1. I'm pretty sure the map is inescapable, I didn't find a way to get out, and neither could my friend, so even if there is one, it isn't reasonable in the middle of a game. Weapons: Magnum x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Battle Rifle x2 SMG x4 Spiker x2 Mauler x2 Needler x2 Brute Shot x1 Grenades/Equipment: Deployable Cover x2 Flare x1 Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Spike Grenade x2 And for pictures: Second Story. Main floor. Side room. Another view of side room. Main room overview. The aisles. Another view of second story. Both entrances to the side room. The title is linked to the map!
Interesting, I like it. Looks like you worked pretty hard on it. Although I'm not into Slayer maps. I'll just somewhat bump this ;p. Nice Slayer map though. Looks like no power weapons like rockets/splazerz/fuel rods.
Despite a minimal amount of interlocking, this looks good. Killerjoker likes infection though, which happens to be the worst gametype of all but w/e
I know about the interlocking, and the second I get more than a day with a 360 I'm going to fix that. Thanks for the comments! And yeah, there is no "real" power weapons, I'm really tired of playing maps with them.
this is very original small, but i like it most people are out to achieve the craziest map, you stuck with a simple idea and made it huge, niec work keep up the forgin
To anybody who DLs: could you tell me if you have any problems with any gametype spawns? I had some trouble with all that, so I wanted to know if I got it right. I'm pretty sure I did though. Also, thanks for all the comments!
Guys, I was one of the testers for this map, and it is really fun. It doesn't look great, but it is really fun to play on. DL it!
this looks really cool and it actually gave me an idea for a new map dont worry but looking at the window panels made me think of a great idea for a new map