Okay so here is our first montage (me and my older brother). This is all the clips that we could get in about 3 weeks, so enjoy. YouTube- Triple Killtage :: Halo 3 Montage - Havey Films
I'm kind of confused, it was a triple killtage, but you had a lot of random snipes, or sticks that didn't result in triple kills.... There were a few good ones in there but not enough to make a montage out of
we just named it a triple kill tage because a majority of the clips were triples, plus three brothers made the montage, so it went good with it.
yes it was, we had about 2 years of clips saved up, then we bought a capture card and we couldnt get it to work, so i went through and deleted all of the clips, then a week later we got the capture card to work. So we gathered as much clips as we could in about 3-4 weeks.
Well that sucks dude, I read your video description on youtube, and you know what things are lacking, but good job for your first montage, good luck if you continue to make them in the future!
Thanks a lot, Were already collecting clips for the next one lol, so ill let you know when we come out with our newest montage.