I tried making a map a little like this a long time ago. Im glad that someone made it right, it looks really fun!
It's not the Asset you know.. bungie has their own version of Asset that's in matchmaking. Basically, it's still ODST based (traits are almost the same as my Asset) and the VIP is almost Vergil but can't do any damage and doesn't give out overshields. The attackers are covenant, and they get grav hammers and needlers. Yay! Now you can find this in the ODST double XP weekend sometimes, there's I believe a 14% percent chance of getting it. In the rat's nest variant, you spawn by warthogs. Naturally, you would want to get in, right? The problem is, most of the destinations are by the cliff, and the attackers do have gravity hammers... In a nutshell, it's not very good, there was a discussion about this in the asset thread (link) a while ago, and I'd rather not have it come up again in this thread.
i don't even know what happened in the video... I'll just watch out for boxes when I'm driving, haha!! just played roll call, loved it. my favorite sandtrap map to date, hands down! I played desert Package as well a few days ago, which felt a bit different but still very fun and tactical. Haven't played Dispatch yet but looks good!
haha, I'll see what I can do, I have a few objects. I still need to do something special for that covenant spawning area(*no, not a hot tub Debayter)...
You could build a mini ship of some kind to go with the covenant spawn... And dont put in drop pods! To me its ruins the feel of convoy, drop pods to me are more fit for holdout maps.
Yeah, I can see what you're getting at Xang. Making the weapon spawn area for the covenant area look more like a covenant armory of some sort sounds like a good idea; I know I have the money and objects for it.
Lovin me some asset. Big fan of ur maps and gametype. I have been playing around with different variants of the VIP gametype for a long time now. In fact the first map I ever made was an asset-like vip convoy map. I was hoping I could get your feedback on my new map that I'm currently testing prior to posting. LV-426 is a "last bird out" type map where the VIP team has to fight its way up in and out of a giant cylindrical tower...... This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1920x1080 and weights 145KB. the enemy are probably going to be zombie like or maybe plasma/smg wielding and weak (no shields). Built to be a gloomy map I also have a day version I'm testing... at the top of the map is the hornet that can only be reached by the vip team by dropping a grav lift on the antenea (the attackers cant pick up items)..... let me know if you are interested in testing it with me. Also check out my post for my VIP convoy map "Skydive Convoy". http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/3973-skydive-convoy.html I made it back in Feb of 2008 so the DL link is dead but I'm making a remake where the attackers spawn outside the map out by the perimeter wall out sandtrap as you will see in these pics... ManRayX SIETCHHAIL MARYSHADOW-ASSAULT
^^^ That map looks great, I'd love to test it. Also, Roll Call (sandtrap) will have the brutes spawn outside of sandbox so the die on spawn. The chieftain will spawn kind of where you have your vehicle spawn, but much higher. Also, the weapons and equipment for the brutes will be right beside the 2nd checkpoint, but blocked off. Send an invite to me with a message attached saying Forgehub or something, I'd love to play both of those maps!
ROLL CALL IS THE SAME OLD HOLDOUT ASSET. I couldn't believe it when you loaded up the map... Convoy is a gametype with some fun gameplay potential, but you somehow managed to turn that into another boring camping map. So, congratulations on destroying a great opportunity.
I agree that Roll Call won't be everyone's cup of tea, but there is still mouvement involved for the VIP. besides, you stayed for like a minute without playing the rest of the map. I'll put on the other two next time you're in a game with me if you want; you actually have to walk the entire way for them.
Boxxy says u b trolln. Looky here, even though it may be somewhat holdout esque, the camping is balanced out by the holdout being moving, and by the multiple covenant vehicles, such as the Wraith. Banshee, chopper, and prowler, which is great at transporting covenant. But not only that, Gameplay is actualy intense and fun on Roll call, you should try it, considering your already making bold statements about how boring it is, even though you only got to play the updated verson for half o a round, then left the test after being told that you needed to stay for a possible gameplay video, or maybe just a legitimate test. But anyways, I'm sorry you feel that way, hopefully if you get to actualy test roll call, your opinion might actualy be swayed. But for now, just STFU. sorry, but really.
Sometime tonight or tomorrow hopefully. Actually, this thread can probably be locked now, the map pack's gonna be released soon.
That sucks man. Can't wait till this released though, I wanna make a map using this gametype. Playing these maps will still be fun though.