advanced forging guide

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Yevah, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay guys this is a video with commentary that explains ghost merging and shows some more advanced and what you can do with ghost merges. Check it out and tell me what you guys think. You may have to turn up the volume a bit.

    YouTube- Advanced Ghost Merging
  2. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I cant decide whather to request a mod to move this to the videos section or not.

    Meh, its about forging.

    I guess not, great vid. Perhaps someone should edit this video into the Ghost merging guide thread.
  3. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks im glad you liked it, im sure if its nesessary it will be moved.
  4. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I understand why you posted this in a new thread. I like your video for the most part. If you cleaned up the errors in the beginning as well fix the video to make it easier for the member to follow you I like your voice explanation over Fritzer video. I know you didn't want to post it in the 201 forge discussion of ghost merging but the video would be extremely useful in that thread.

    Your over all thread covers the topic well and I think as much as this is forge discussion I would love to see it added to our highlighted forge guide section.

    Keep up the good work.

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