This drum set is $229.95 and comes with... - Black Drum Set New Gammon Percussion Battle Series - Full Size 5 Piece Drum Set with Hardware - Cymbals Stool Stands Sticks Included - Ships Fast with Everything You Need To Play Included - An outstanding Value The advice I am looking for, is to get you're guys' opinions on whether or not I should buy the drum set. I have the money in cash but I have to order it online from Amazon. Also I have a few questions. Can I trust buying this drum set at Amazon? And for users of Amazon... How long does it usually take for an item to be shipped to you? Thanks in advance!
Im not sure about the drums themselves but I do know that Amazon is a trustworthy site. A friend of mine from school just ordered a few funny t-shirts and he got them on time and nothing was wrong.
I've never heard of Gammon before, so they're probably not the best quality. It seems like a pretty good deal though. I'd recommend getting a better one such as a 5 drum tama kit. I saw a few of those for about $345 at my local Long and McQuade, but yeah.
Mmkay thanks guys. Today I was thinking of just waiting and let my money build up so I can buy a better quality drum set.
No matter what drum set you buy, keep in mind the cymbals is what costs the most, for the most part. Even if you decide to go with the Gammon kit, I see it includes cymbals, but I'd still highly suggest purchasing separate cymbals. Also, the sticks that it will come with will be shitty, so if you don't have sticks, I'd suggest going to guitar center, your local music store, etc. and getting some good decent sticks. To add on to this rant, if you're going to buy cymbals, I'd also highly suggest getting newer stands. The stands that the come with this set are skinnier and are less durable, and aren't that great overall. So if you care about you're cymbals and are going to be serious about drumming I'd suggest new cymbal stands. If anything the high hat stand should be fine, but your crash would last longer on a nicer stand. As for Amazon, I personally have never bought anything from there, and sadly can't give you any advice about the site. Good luck on your purchase!
I have also never heard of gammon so i wouldn't really recommend them given the price and questionable quality. if it was me i would save up for a more quality set than quickly spend your money on something cheap. pearl sells decent sets at around 400-500. what i really would recommend though is doing a google search and finding a music shop in your area and then talking to someone who sells them and knows what they're talking about rather than buy one off the internet. you can tell them your price range and skill and they should be able to hook you up with a good set or at least give you an idea of what kind of set you should be looking for. if your not sure if what they're telling you is true you can always look on the net to confirm what they say. a good drumset is a pretty big investment, so you should spend a lot of time looking around at what your different options are. i had a pretty crappy set which is much like the one your thinking about buying for a long time, then i saved up my money for a very nice Gretsch set. it had a price tag of 1,200 -- including cymbals, but it was totally worth it. the sound quality is great and i can tell it will definitely last me for many years to come. of course if you don't have those kind of funds - as i said before - there is plenty of other options available at a cheaper price. however, generally speaking, i don't think your going to get something that is new and of good quality for anything less than 400. long story short, no.