An almost infinit puzzle map that tests your puzzle solving skills. The Pictures havent been pasted so it wont ruin the puzzle but I will if there is great demand for them. ParadoxChallenge : Halo 3 File Details JumpVIP Gametype : Halo 3 File Details Walkthrough : Halo 3 File Details
It's not necessarily "great demand", but if you post a map on Forgehub, you must embed either a pic(s) or a video.
You need to have pictures, and try describing the map too. I think you have to put pictures or it will be lockesd, just a heads up
you'll need that film rendered and embedded then if you dont have the minutes, take a screenshot of your map and add it on, about 5 pic should take no time at all...
This is not a puzzle map! Its a jump map and the paradox forgers would have never built this map + its 2 min long.
"Failure to post your map correctly will result in a topic lock after 1 hour in the absence of a fix." If you still are confused on what you did wrong and how to avoid this from happening again when you do desire to re-post your map, please look below. There are rules and guidelines of posting a map that which will give you some key information of posting a map which you should look at. Having your pictures embedded is essential here at Forgehub when posting a map. Now, there are usually two methods of embedding screen shots but there is currently only one effective one, here is the tutorial. This methods should provide the right amount of information to get your pictures posted properly. The information that is contained in the rules and guidelines link should always be followed when posting a map. If you are still confused on how to post a map, please follow the below video made by one of Forgehub's members, Blood Fire. YouTube- How to Post Maps on Forge Hub Feel free to post your map again once you have a full understanding of how to post a map.