Watch this movie if you have not already, and spread the information around. Show everyone you know, convince teachers to show it in class, do anything you can to get the word out. Watch the entire thing here. Zeitgeist: Addendum Or click here to download the free Torrent off of the official website. We can make a difference.
It's really intriguing, though I see their previous movie is an anti-Christ movie, making me kind of believe their 'brainwashing' some facts. Still though, quite interesting. But I'm 14 years old, I try to have an understanding of it, but can't grasp most of it. I imagine that some of the things depicted are true though, and I wish they weren't. Wish the world could change. Edit: Also, for people who are saying 'tl;dr' (Or in this case tl;dw) its pretty much explaining how the monetary system is corrupting the worlds, and controlling every organized human program. Or something like that lol, for that's what I see in a 14 year old perspective.