Human Resources by RC and Given to Fly Questions and Answers: Q: What is human resources? A: Human Resources is a joint infection project between me and given to fly. Q: Why does the name sound like part of an office? A: That would be because this map is going to be taking place in an office builiding exclusively. Q: Hasn't that been done before? A: To be honest, it may have been, but this will be very different in style. Q: How is it different and why do you think will set it apart from other infection maps the most? A: It is different in the fact that; 1. The map spans the entire height of the crypt. 2. It will be completely enclosed allowing for more detail to be put into the inside making a better play area that has its own atmosphere. Q: The entire crypt height? A: Yes, the map will/should when completed have five floors with stair access to each other. this does not include the ground level, which will only be accessable via elevator shaft drop-down. All floors have access to te elevator shaft which in times of dire need can be used to get to a lower floor. Q: Lower floor? You say that like we have to make our way down the building... A: Actually, thats exactly what you need to do. you start in a broken elevator on the top floor and have 20 seconds to get going before zombies are released. Q: Did you ask and answer all of these questions yourself? Be honest. A: Well... ahem, I guess you could say that... Q: Will you add other questions as people ask them and put your answers here? A: Yes. Q: When do you hope to get this out to us by? A: (Hopefully) by the beginning of march, at the latest by the end of march. Q: Are humans going to have low health? A: Not neccesarilly, they just will have more realistic weaponry for a situation like this. Details: Normal weapons on map will only be human ones, only ONE frag grenade will be available on the map, use this frag to gain secret weapons, one is hidden on each floor down. Zombies will use a teleporter checkpoint system similar to that of the one found in Manifest. The map will actually play more than infection, it also supports a vip varient where you escort a firefighter to the bottom. The gametype is quite similar to save one bullet, but is not it so the gametype "a problem" will be required to play infection correctly on it. Story: Just another normal day for a normal guy, you woke up, went to work, and pissed off janice, the secretary in human resources. "You'll regret this! Muahaha!" janice screamed. "Weird...", "Oh well" you shrug it off and get back to typing your report thats due soon. "AAAAAGH!!!!!!....""B...b..braaains.." "What the?" you run to the elevator with a group of other workers... the door shuts, then suddenly the elevator shakes and drops a few feet before the doors open once more."Go!" you yell at the others to get out, "Whatever that was its up there and its coming, our best chance is getting out, or at least to the lobby." Yes, I am aware that my storytelling skills suck. Please dont mention it, ok? Teaser
oh oh iv seen it and its smexy. I'll be waiting RC this is a really good/sweet idea you and Given got brewing.
Sounds very intersting, im gonna be looking forward to this. I like how its just a normal person, whos gonna fight off zombies. So im guessing humans are gonna have low health ?
Humans will take one swing to kill like most infection games, but the thing is I'm only including light weaponry that might actually be in crazy peoples desks in an office... no rocket launchers laying around here. I think the heaviest weapon on the map will be one of the secret weapons (ripped off turret)
bad storyline but the map idea sounds awesome. I really love indoor maps just because of the detail you can put into the interior. I am making a map at the moment which is partly indoors (a subway station). I will help with testing, if you want when the time comes for that.
The first map I ever made on sandbox was an office building designed for infection. It was before I knew how to merge or anything so it was basically built like a lego creation from the ground up. Anyway, with new advances in forging and Given to Fly on the project this should turn out much better than my Office. Much better =P
Will you post more pictures. I really like the idea, I just can't picture it. Also in the story you say the main person goes up the elevator with the other people. It would be cool if you made the map like that. You start of below but you have to ride it up. However, once up there other idems spawn, making it look like it broke and also keeping you from getting back down it. I think that would add to the feeling of the map. Also if you didn't ride it up you would be killed by zombies without even the littlest chance of living.
This looks interesting... even though it seems like such an unorthodox idea, RC+Given To Fly=Epic win. I just wish you would post a few more pictures.
5 floors and a basement and its the height of the crypt. How tall is each floor. Why don't you make more?
I think we should make some more floors to be honest, because the ceilings are high and everything. You have to take into consideration the Object Limit. I was wondering myself how we can stop the humans from just rushing down, so I think we might have to make it so they go upward, but you never know. Also we need more cubes, and office areas, like branching off rooms with windows, and perhaps a break room..? and lotz uh tube ventz! lol idk. This is going to be epic if we can pull it off. While I was typing I just got an idea for an asset map... It would work too. I forgot about this project to be honest, I was under Rifte's spell of making that addicting asset crap
Maybe if you didn't make it quite as high, it would save budget from the outside and you can use it to make more floors? You can still have them coming downward but don't put stairs at the same locations, like have it on one side of the room and on the next floor down on the other side or in the middle.
This is gonna be awesome if it's done properly. I think you should start off going up an elevator and while going up the elevator you'll be able to look through windows and see all of the other levels. That would be pretty cool, but they're just my thoughts. Can't wait til this is released.
This is pretty much what i was thinking, all the floors will have a different shape, so it will be easier to distinguish the floor, more floors may be added in between, but the stairs down are going to as far away from each other as possible on each floor. some floors will have crushed hallways and one i plan on setting on fire (killball) I will name off the floors and what i plan on being in them. top floor: cubicles private offices + hallways break room + hallways cubicles meeting room lobby currently thats the order i have planned out for the succession of top to bottom
Since you're planning on using a killball or killballs to make fire on one floor, you might want to consider adding a ventilation shaft type looking passageway in the space between the floors since the killballs will force you to have quite a bit of space between the floors I assume. That would be interesting I think having a vent shaft on one floor in the ceiling. Also you should watch the first Resident Evil movie for inspiration. I think watching it and paying attention to what the Hive looked like in the movie, particuarly the part where the zombies come from, might give you ideas to make the map look really cool. Personally I think it would be cool if you went with a secret, hidden lab feel on one or two floors, and a more typical normal office type feel on the other floors. It would add an eerie feeling to the level I think.
I like the stairs idea a lot And people, were not making a workin elevator, because there is no moveable floor piece that big... Perhaps a wall slit on its side for a vent? Any more iderz people?
If you're going to use vents then I'd suggest making it so that you can crawl around in them. I've been obsessed with this idea since playing batman: arkham asylum and have been trying to incorporate it into maps but I just can't be bothered to finish them . Anyway, the size I've found to be right for them is the height of a column (so you'll be forced to crawl) and the width of one square.
I think an elevator would be very possible. You know the damaged columns and the glitch where if you throw a grav lift on one, it'll continue to ascend? Put four right next to each other so that where the four intersect is flat, and put a Grav Lift in the center. All of the blocks will keep trying to push into eachother, and it's almost completely stable. It's big enough to hold a Prowler, too.
The elevator is much larger thanyou will be expecting, beleive me. Ok, im going to say that enough people want vents, so theyll be in it. I actually think they will take the place of stairs from the second floor to the lobby so you cant get back up. Thamks everyone for the support, I really didnt expect many people to like the idea, guess i was wrong.
Yay for a ventilation shaft lol! I just think crawling through a ventilation shaft fits in perfectly for the type of zombie map you're talking about. Also, another idea I messed around with one time on a map not too different in layout design from what you're describing was having a "hole" chipped out in a room by using a broken column thing, but with the broken/ eroded away end down towards the floor with the column just high enough to crawl under it. I had intended the map to have a mental asylum/ prison feel to it, and for that room to look like the person had chipped away a hole in the wall to escape. I think you might find a place for that to fit into your map as well possibly.
you should do something like this to overlook the lobby. It would be cool looking and you do see overlooks like that in a lot of office buildings