Crack What: Crack is a gruesome race between four players to a destination. The players will drive across three different scenarios, each with its own twist. The game is sure to bring hilarious moments, beautiful splatters, and lasting fun. The great part is, the game is always different making it bring laughs every time. How Many Players:Best played with 3-4 Objective: Be the first to arrive at the destination to earn points. Get there by what ever means necessary. Pictures and Action Shots: The First Stretch The Second Stretch Home Stretch A Chaotic Start The Cost of Not Paying Attention What Is Probably Going To Happen To You [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Silver]Here are the downloads for the map and gametype, thank you! Please leave comments and advice as this is my first attempt [/COLOR] [/FONT] : Halo 3 File Details]MAP : Halo 3 File Details]GAMETYPE
looks like a good idea, but couldnt someone just keep shooting a warthog so it cant move? Seems like once someone gets going they will easily winand gauss hogs will shoot a warthog off the edge.
Well you have limited ammo, so that prevents from constantly shooting. The gauss hog is only at a specific portion of the map, and it just adds to the fun.
It looks like they already do and I really doubt anybody is going to get to the end with plasma pistols, the gauss and spawn killing. Do you drive anything besides warthogs though because you probably don't have enough for all three levels. And what stops people from just getting out of there vehicles? I'll DL though and try it out once I get back.
Ok, i guess i didnt explain it well enough in my description. Sorry. But yes you do spawn with plasma pistols, but they have limited ammo to prevent constant shooting. And it is impossible to walk because you need the vehicles to make certain jumps along the map. Besides walkin is much slower, so driving gives the advantage. And there are mongooses and warthogs only. The gauss canon is only on a specific portion of the map to prevent knocking people off the edge. Sorry i didn't give a detailed enough description.
What stops people spawn killing by assasination, parking on the recieving teleported, and camping on the gauss warthog part shotting everyone who comes close. Why not just make a race track? That would be alot better.