Made By Fire Phoenix117, Dylanpwns U27 Map Name: The Dragon Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Medium Player Count: 4-8 Main Gametype: Acceleration __________________________________________________ Description: Intro: Hello everyone I Fire Phoenix has created an extraordinary Mini Game which in fact is my first which I have to say came out really good. Something I didn’t expect but anyway I didn’t act alone in creating this master piece Dlyanpwns U27 a good friend of mine helped me in the making he for one made it possible to call the map for what it is The Dragon. Ok the Dragon is a one of a kind mini game for one it has 4 different game types which if you guys can watch the video my friend Seleo made to help make the game types understandable for the people that are not capable to understand no offense of course. Another phenomenal triumph this map illustrates is the fact it use the Symmetrical and asymmetrical uses in which make the game is different each time you play a different game type. The game types are Flight, Acceleration, Sumo, and Derby. The Game types: Flight- the point of the game type is to get as many points as possible. The hill moves every thirty seconds and makes game play very interesting from there. Anyway moving on to make it simple one team must get in a banshee and the other must use the missile pods provided to take down the banshee’s. Acceleration- This is the main game type for this map a very interesting one at best. Both teams are in the guard towers which I will call them from this point on. The objective of one team is to kill the person in the hill. A little warning he/she is extremely fast and I mean so fast you can go faster than your bullets which is awesome by my count. Anyway now the team that is getting hill points must try not letting him die by shooting the enemy team so they can’t shoot or throw bubble shields ect… Sumo- a very popular game I’m sure everyone knows very simple it is territories in which to knock off the enemy team. Only concern people complained about is there’s no point system but whatever just have fun. In this game type there are two main areas of play the platform and the dragon. Derby- This is one of the most infamous games ever made very fun and never repetitive. If you haven’t played you must use a vehicle to ram the others off. Youtube Video[/"]400 Bad Request The video should explain and show everything.. please enjoy Game type Traits: Remeber Acceleration works when there is no lag. Acceleration Scoring on hill points 2 kill points 5 hill movement: none custom power up traits: 50% damage resistance normal shields no recharge Weapons and Vechicles: primary weapon: sniper secondary: BR no vechicles Base player traits: Invulnerable 4x overshields 200% recharge Damage modifier 300% other info: waypoint visible to everyone forced color pink Derby score to win: 50 single VIP: enable next vip random vip death doesn’t end the round vip death -1 vip betrayal -1 kill points 5 kill as vip 5 suicide -1 betrayal-1 primary weapon Energy sword 3mins 4 rounds Damage resistance 100% normal shields Damage modifier 0% movement 25% 150% gravity Flight on hill points 2 kill points 10 Hill 30 seconds movement random movement Custom powerup traits: 100%damge resistance normal shields 100% recharge Hill Traits: 300% damage resistance 2x overshields recharge normal Base player traits: invulnerable 4x overshield 200 recharge Damage modifier 100% Sumo Everything like Derby Just uses territories and everyone has a gravity hammer. Forging 101: Interlocked: Yes Geo Merged: Yes Geometry use: Yes Ghost Merge: No Pics: Banshee capturing hill points Banshees in the hill again even more banshee Sumo!!! Epic gravity hammer hit Testers: Sealeo Sotha sil TheCakewusalie ice princess Yeah I'm happy MMP 2213 v2 Dylanpwns U27 BloodBlitz NandoNooDle Ninja Juice Jordan Borat Ellement Cowboy Pickle Jerz Phenom Urban Sniper Everyone else that played... Thank you Morphine for helping me create my first mini game your idea really inspired this map to very different and fun. Sotha sil I would like to thank you for helping with the gametypes Dylanpwns thanks for spending time in helping me make this map without your help the Dragon wouldnt be possible.. Download other gametypes Sumo Derby Flight
Hmmmm, nice to see someone make an all purpose map to support multiple popular gametypes and a few new ones. Quite helpful, because now I have to have 3 less maps on my hard drive to play the same number of games. And for that I congratulate you; though some of the forging could be more refined or unique for each respective area/gametype (like the blocks for sumo and derby). Only real suggestion is to make the dragon inaccessable in sumo and try to add a scoring system to that particular gametype. All in all, a refreshing take on mini-games as a whole. 5/5
Well, I like the idea of the 4 maps in 1, but me and and my friends only wanted to play Acceleration. Sumo was kinda boring, just because it was just like normal sumo, but with a larger area, wich is bad. Flight was kinda fun, but I only liked it when I was on a banshee. But acceleration was realy fun, because it was awesome to be the on in the hill, and it was also realy cool to get an awesome kill, although maybe the 1 on the hill should be a little bit slower shield generation, wich would better and make it easier to kill.
For Acceleration I cant make it any slower that is impossible by my count. Also about acceleration it will be to easy for one to kill him and why are you complaining about shields when it takes two shots for Br and Carbine and one sniper shot to kill him and ect... oh also the shields personnaly have no effect on him what so ever even if you see overshields(custom powerup). sumo what you say is true but I really didnt have any money left to put what i originally wanted.
Hmm, well thats indeed my fault than, yes. I didn't make that much kills with a BR, so I thought he need one shot more. Well, I guess its fine than, making him weaker wil make the game unfair. You also seems to look a little bit attacked by my post, wich can be just me, but if it is, I did not think your map was bad or whatever. We realy enjoyed the game, but I thought that the shields just where a little too strong, where I wasn't right at, i just didn't use the BR so much. I also like your dragon, its realy neat forged. =D
I'm sorry I wasnt trying to be offensive in any way i was just making a point I understand how it seems when you the play the gametype my friends complain about the same things.