Semi-Cross Description: As and early Christmas download, I give you Semi-Cross. Semi-Cross is a name that speaks for itself. This short track has a small amount of rally style racing mixed with traditional circuit style racing. The map is fully bordered so it can also be used for Demo Racing. This will probably be my last map, so I hope you enjoy it. Difficulty: Medium Download
looks awesome i like the curve in the last picture , nice merging.I think you should give a overview pic of the map, it would greatly help, from what i see it looks fun im gonna dl and get back to ya on it.... agreed fix the download link doesnt wrk.
This is really awesome. I love how instead of just utlizing rectangular turns like in all the motorcross maps I see these days, you added some really nice curves throughout the track. Also, this map looks so clean and smooth but still has that motorcross feel to it. Really nice work and a definite DL from me for your creativity and incredibly smooth looking track.
This map looks pretty sick actually. A found that motorcross maps are more entertaining than regular race maps because of the different bumps, turns, and the air you get off those jumps. Looks like this map would be fun when waiting for someone to finish their game. Good Job. 7/10
There's nothing better than a good motor-cross map..But wow this is great!!A crossover and just wow!! Maps just keep getting better and better!!Nicely interlocked and overall not messy..I've gotten bored of those sharp turns, but this has variety!!10/10
I'm glad you all like the map. I'm also glad you guys like the variety I was able to put in this small track. Thanks for the comments.
Thats a good looking map. I like the looks better than the actual layout itself though. I like the way you used the lights on the track I think it really adds to the looks a lot. And the turn in the last pic looks good too thanks to good merging.
I don't normally download racetrack maps, but this one has gotten a DL from me. Looks really well made and overall, just unique. Great job.