lol i like epitaph just cause its not played alot (most people veto it) but i agree that the camo really overpowers it, and maybe the rocket should have less shots or something. Also, i dont even know where the shotgun spawns!!! lol i just play and wait for someone else to bring it into the mix snowbound... i hate. i despise. unless you can get a game where no one camps (yeah right) then its sort of fun. if its ever used i just try to get achivements. my least favorite thing about it is that its one of the few maps i have actually gotten oddball for in MM! Campapalooza!!!! I like narrows, too. used to hate it. multi-flag is really fun for me. the thing i dont like about narrows is its too open EDIT: im gonna fix epitaph. il post it when i remake it. no invisibility.. more weapons i see fit.
To be honest, MOST of the original Halo3 MM maps are sucky. The remakes are the best and there are some okay ones. I realise you only asked about Isolation, but while I'm at it =] Avalanche ---- 9/10 Blackout ----- 10/10 Construct ----- 7/10 Epitaph ------- 2/10 Foundry ------ 3/10 (Original Layout) Ghost Town --- 7/10 Guardian ------ 8/10 High Ground -- 6/10 Isolation ------ 2/10 Last Resort --- 7/10 Narrows ----- -7/10 Rat's Nest ---- 4/10 Sandtrap ----- 6/10 Snowbound --- 6/10 Standoff ------ 7/10 The Pit -------- 8/10 Valhalla ------- 8/10
Im not sure why I hate isolation. I just do. I find it to open but and the ghost is just too annoying!
though these are all opinions so while were at it heres mine Avalanche ---- 10/10 Blackout ----- 10/10 Construct ----- 9/10 Epitaph ------- 10/10 Foundry ------ 2/10 (Original Layout) Ghost Town --- 6/10 Guardian ------ 3/10 High Ground -- 5/10 Isolation ------ 7/10 Last Resort --- 9/10 Narrows ------ 4/10 Rat's Nest ---- 6/10 Sandtrap ----- 8/10 Snowbound --- 9/10 Standoff ------ 8/10 The Pit -------- 9/10 Valhalla ------- 7/10
alright here are mine: Avalanche ---- 9/10 Blackout ----- 8/10 Construct ----- 7/10 Epitaph ------- 4/10 Foundry ------ 3/10 (Original Layout) 10/10 (custom potential) Ghost Town --- 7/10 Guardian ------ 7/10 High Ground -- 6/10 Isolation ------ 2/10 Last Resort --- 5/10 Narrows ------ 6/10 Rat's Nest ---- 3/10 Sandtrap ----- 5/10 Snowbound --- 9/10 Standoff ------ 8/10 The Pit -------- 7/10 Valhalla ------- 8/10
I refuse to participate in this poll. The question (topic title) and the options are biased and misleading, favoring a negative connotation toward the map.
how are the options biased? They each say one thing, just in a specific way. One says it sucks. One says its ok and one says its amazing... an opinion is supposed to be biased nd lean to a side, or it isnt an opinion. Idc if u dnt vote, tht, again, is an opinion... just saying im not quite sure what u mean project
Alright, I agree that the options aren't really biased. However, the title of this thread is very biased. It is worded in a way that suggests that everybody hates Isolation, which from my experience is not true. Perhaps, this is why you changed the title of the poll.
ppl hate this map because its ugly boils everywhere exploding pimples i mean wtf if it was a nice grassy field with flowers and a picnic table ppl would play it
Isolation is ok, its fun to snipe in the trees and watch triple kills pop up without people realizing where you are. I just don't like the openess.
In most of the games that I've played on it a massive BR war starts and then we get dominated with the sniper. But the thing I really don't like is the regenerator because it makes you almost invincibil.
the passgaeways are anooying because you have to walk forever in and out to get a br since all others are taken
Personally i hate it, but oddly i'm pretty good on it... i absolutly despise, hate, and dislike epitarh i am horrible on it
Possible Reasons no power up The Ghost Focus Point, seems to be shotgun The Flood Not ENough Cover Personally I dont mind Isolation. I've never Picked it in Custom Games but I dont veto Slayer on Isolation
I don't quite understand why everyone seems to have such hatred for Isolation. I'm rather indifferent to it. There's almost nothing to do with it in forge, though.