Have any half decent maps been made on Heretic? I know it's damn near impossible to forge on but some guys know how to manipulate that stuff pretty well.
well I think and MLG version is as far as its gotten on Heretic. Someone will probably make a Judgment map eventually on it.
The only five I remember were a bland revamp of the bungie version, using only the middle for something like the octagon, using the ring section, conquest, and one in the shaft below. Not really much since more sandbox maps were made daily before Modern Warfare 2. Edit: Since you asked, I dont remember any being decent (or different from the bungie version).
I made a studio on it for the TRR podcast, that got selected for the zoxin it up live cast podcast aswell (even though insane54 got credit for it -_-). Obviously it was aesthetic and doesn't really count though. I don't think any overly good competative maps have to been made on it though.
Hmm... someone said something about making a judgment map on it which sounds like it might turn out interesting. I think I'll give it a try. btw, can someone give a link to the thread on how to make a judgment map. I feel too lazy to look for it =P
I got started on one. not too sure where it's headed, but I gave kind of a description of it in another post.
I tried to make one, but it turned out in nothing. There is not enough room, and no good forge object. I think herictic is a great map, but not so good to forge on. Although it would be realy cool to see some maps on it, as it will be realy original.