Ideas for L4D special infected

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Riptide Sage, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    With the recent arvival of Left 4 dead 2, I have decided to take a look at the new infected as well as the old and see if the community can come up with the best replica possible of Left 4 dead 2 in Halo. First of the old infected

    common infected-Personally I believe they should be left out for one good reason, they are no fun to play at all, every time I spawn as a common I get nothing But disappointment.

    Boomer- Radar jammer or flare (player's Choice), the boomers goal is to slow down humans and provide a distraction for the other infected to use, the radar jammer is more effective at the close quarters, while in the open field the flare is more effective, hence the choice is left up to the player.

    Smoker- Sentinel beam, the smoker is designed to harass the humans and provide range for the infected, the sentinel beam allows him to do so as long as he remains in the open, like the real smoker.

    Hunter- Active camo, the hunter is able to blend into the crowd and then strike for incredible damage, in halo this is achieved by the assassination, while it is nearly impossible for the other infected a hunter can sneak up on the unaware humans and kill them.

    Tank- Custom Power Up, gravity hammer- the tank is designed to deal lots of damage quickly and kill unorganized survivor groups, the CPU increases the tanks health, and damage, slows him down (but he is still faster then humans), and gives him a marker everyone can see.

    Witch- The witch is an important part of L4D and probably the hardest part to recreate, It may be possible to use a well placed stack of fusion coils to emulate her, forcing the survivors to sneak around or take care of her at a distance, but if anyone triggers her it could be lethal. However the survivors could just shoot her from a ways away and be down with it, so the witch would work best at close quarters and around corners.

    And now for the new infected

    Charger-Gravity hammer, overshield- the charger is more resilient then the other infected and is designed to bowl through a group of survivors like the tank, however since the charger has more speed and less strength then the tank a CPU is not necessary.

    Spitter- fuel rod gun- the spitters job is not stop humans from staying in a corner and camping, for this I gave the spitter the fuel rod gun, capable of serious damage if the humans refuse to move, and it has splash damage like the acid pool.

    Jockey- Deployable cover- the jockey is perhaps the hardest of all the infected, his job is to force the humans into an area they do not want to be, such as a witch or a spitter, I gave him a deployable cover to block off the survivors path and force them another way.

    that's all of the special infected now onto the humans

    the survivors should have a high non-regenerating health bar, identical to that in left 4 dead's, their body health (how much you can take after your shields drops) constantly regens partially like the ability to up a downed survivor

    Melee weapons- Sword/nine iron/ gravity hammer
    pistol- magnum
    automatic tier 1- smg
    automatic tier 2- AR
    shotgun tier 1- mauler
    shotgun tier 2- Shotgun
    sniper tier 1- Sniper riffle
    sniper tier 2- BR
    Grenade launcher-Rocket launcher
    pipe bomb- spike grenade
    Molotov-fire bomb
    boomer bile- power drain?
    Carried explosive- trip mine

    unfortunately it is impossible to replicate the healing items if the survivors have non regening health, as the regenarator doesn't work and the CPU is already used.

    As for other important notes on game type It is important for the humans to have limited ammo to keep them moving, a 25M radar to help detect infected, and markers for the infected to find them.

    I think that's all of it, I'm interested in hearing what the rest of the community thinks, so please comment away.
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    you cannot really recreate the witch because the survivors are forced to stay a certain distance from her, but if someone is playing as the witch, then they can just go after the survivors...

    I would also say that power drains would be a good spitter replacement because fuel rod guns would make it so that spitters can shoot multiple acid patches and spam them. Power drains would be 1 effective health drain (much like L4D).
  3. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    the problem with giving the player a witch is that she only takes down one survivor and only after the anger her first, There is no way to really do a proximity switch for the witch so you can't play her like that, Perhaps though the witch could be spawned angry if you were to pick the witch or the tank for each map that's made. As for the spitter I agree the power drain would probably be more balanced and more accurate to the original
  4. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    Also, I don't know why people think Hunters merit Active Camo, they are loud and leap through the air (leaving a black trail in L4D2), I think they should have swords to represent the leap, and common infected can have plasma pistols. This could cause problems, but they can easily be avoided with Damage Resistance changes and minimal shields. The witch could be emulated with a trip mine one of the infected get and then deploy, so then if someone walks too close, they pay for it. Other than that, most of this sounds like if pulled off right, it would be fun.
  5. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    but if you get rid of the survivors shields and just give them damage resist their body health will constantly regen, making it impossible for teams to take the "whittle them down" approach that is common in left 4 dead, hence the infected can't have plasma pistols and so the hunter has to revert to his secondary use, hiding in plain sight and attacking that way. However your witch idea suffers the same flaw as the fusion coil pile, namely the survivors can take her out at a distance, however it is still a posiblity.
  6. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I don't think body health regenerates.
    I made a game I call Tank and it's about a group of survivors trying to take out a super powerful zombie.
    He had 2000% resistance (no shield) and we were shooting him but then he killed all my teammates and I ran (like a ***** =P) and when he finally caught up to me at the otherside of the map like 2 or 3 minutes later, one BR headshot killed him.

    btw, i've found that hammer/9-iron for human use totally kills the game.
    The splash damage of those in no way replicates a melee weapon from L4D2
    #6 Organite, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  7. Panncakez

    Panncakez Forerunner
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    You may simply want to leave out the Witch if you wish to re-create a successful gametype, but the ideas put forth are pretty good. If you choose to heed their suggestions, then I think everything would work out fine. Your ideas for the other zombie 'classes' seem to be effective, as well. I'd like to see a map out of this.
  8. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    Body health does regen, I have tested it my self, however your story happened because you forgot to turn on immune to head shots, and a head shot with no shields is an instant kill. As for humans using grav hammers, they could be removed from weapon stashes, but a killed charger or tank still drops one for human use, unfortunately there is no counter for this if humans can switch weapons.

    As for a prototype of this style metawaddledee made two finales, we worked On the L4D original infected ideas together, I'll see if i can get a link up to his map.
    #8 Riptide Sage, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  9. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    No body will respect the l4d concept, that is the biggest problem.
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    agreed meta.
    but I do believe a lot of the loss of respect for L4D style games stems from not being able to turn off assassinations.
  11. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    assassinations are one thing, but not being able to tweak specific weapon's damage is the biggest.

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