I was wondering if it is possible to use the points system for Territories, like in Halo 2? It doesn't seem like it, but I might have overlooked an option or something. I like the new Territories in Halo 3, but I simultaneously miss the old. When I set them to be recaptured, the only way to win is by capturing them all . . .
I understand what you mean... umm... I am pretty sure they no longer allow points based on capturing a territory. They give points to how many you own... not if you capture one. I kinda like that point system too... but Conquest would have never been the same...
Hmm, dissapointing, but thanks for the reply! On the bright side, I was able to make a fun RISK boardgame map with the conquest territories feature, haha! Thanks again, bud.
I think that Bungie should address this in an update. Possibly ad the "Old School" version of territoies to the playlist.