Really Quick Typography

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JMJ405, Jan 4, 2010.

  1. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    Not much work, I needed something to occupy my for about 5-10 minutes, and ta-da!
  2. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Heavy metal sucks, like this "typography", but maybe you were aware of that.

    Also, if you made it in 5-10 minutes (a synonym for "I didn't really try"), why would you post it here? You clearly aren't show off your artistic skills, if you even have any, and how can you honestly expect some CnC when you're already excusing its poor quality? I doubt you'd even accept any of it, saying:
    "Well, I did only do this in 5-10 minutes, but I see your point."
    As if the little amount of time you invested into this project makes you immune and not to blame, though to be sure, I'm frankly surprised it took you that much time. I see 4 layers at best, a project as shallow as your creative potential.

    To make matters worse, you censored yourself. Why the hell would you censor yourself? The word's there, it's typed out, but the flow is destroyed by those pesky asterisks. You obviously aren't about to put this out in public any time soon, so you can't possibly be protecting the fragile minds of children, nor does it serve any comedic value. Maybe you felt guilty, or were afraid that your mother might walk in on you. Whatever the reason, this graphic makes you as hardcore as it does a skillful artist.

    If this didn't make any sense or I didn't manage to serve your ass on a heavy f***king metal platter, I'm sorry, I wrote it in 5-10 minutes.
    #2 X5, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  3. RackemWillie77

    RackemWillie77 Ancient
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    X5, sorry, but you should chill out just a tad. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I too make random things out of boredom just to occupy time. Pretty much every one of my posts is, I even start out by saying "made this out of boredom in such and such time" lol Get over it. I for one, like to get feedback on how my work I produce when not focusing is, just to see where my skill is at. I think it's a good way to test ones self and to challenge your level of talent (that is to see what you can make in a quick time). So stop complaining please, and appreciate that it is still art regardless of how long it took him or even if it wasn't a 'true' project.
  4. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    Well, first off, I like metal, you don't. It's based off opinions, so you don't need to be a ***** about it. Second of all, I shared it because I love the ForgeHub community, and thought I'd share it with everyone here, regardless of the time spent on it. It was mainly to experiment with that brushed metal background.

    And I am aware that I censored myself, because I know that there are young children on the internet. Also, your claim that "I'm not about to put this out in public anytime soon" is utterly false, due to the fact that putting it on the internet allows anyone in the world to see it, hence the censorship.

    On the subject of me being "hardcore," I am sorry I don't go to Slipknot concerts and punch myself until I bleed, or do drugs. Even then, who are you to talk about being a hardcore metal fan, when metal sucks in your opinion? What am I talking about? You must be hardcore, since you comment on internet forums and sound all bad-ass.

    If you really hate a graphic that much, just don't comment next time.
  5. madz333

    madz333 Ancient
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    I would like to know why you put 3 asterisks , only one is necessary.
    Also there isnt much too it, it is very plain, and if your going to do some time wasting, i would recommend doing more with your image.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I'm sorry you guys, I'm just suffering from some teenage angst, you know? I wasn't thinking clearly, my thoughts muddled with suicide and screeching guitar solos, so let me clear a few things up.

    Oh, so the real graphic here was the brushed metal background, not the typography the thread was so aptly named after? Well if this thread isn't full of misunderstanding. I thought you wanted some CnC (comments and criticism), which I promptly dealt. Then, you misinterpreted my opinion on posting the "completion time", something I don't care about and don't want to know. Lastly, you assumed that I considered myself hardcore, and furthermore, thought that the word "hardcore" only pertains to this genre of music, though I admit, it is a bit hard on my cochleas.

    You're right, this site must be full of children, seeing you have skin as thick as an 8 year old. Apparently you need your criticism sugar coated and dipped in caramel. I do hate your graphic, and maybe I shouldn't comment if that's the case. I mean, it looks like everyone else has lived by those words. Just goes to show how much the Forge Hub community appreciates your little show and tell.

    Speaking of which, you failed to address what you wanted out of this thread. You never said:
    "Here is something I made to try out a metal texture using brushes, what do you think? Is there a way to make it better?"
    Or mention anything slightly close. No, you name your thread "Really Quick Typography" and proceeded to say that you made this "really quick". Based off all the information you have provided, I know that you made this fast, rushing art as if it were a 100 meter sprint, and that it's typography art. Except it isn't typography art, and you don't like people commenting on how long it took you to make (and you surely don't expect them to gape and admire your time effectiveness). Again, I guess this thread is just mistake prone. My bad.

    So you know what? I'll make it up to you. I'll give you the comment you really wanted.

    Haha, I <3 heavy metal FTW! \m/
    Though the colors are kinda bleh, and it doesn't really have flow. Try adding some C4Ds and maybe find better txt. The kind you have now kinda takes away from the metal background thingie. Now here's a unicorn.

    *Tasteful criticism complete*
    #6 X5, Jan 4, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  7. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    one douchey criticism is enough, even if it's admittedly funny and deserved.

    As for the criticism itself OP, you labeled this CnC, meaning he can criticize it as he pleases, and even though he did it in a satirical manner that upset you, it's still constructive.

    in short, both of you drop it.
  8. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    Done. Also, thank you for your CnC on the brushed metal, X5.

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