Gladiators V1.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Azrius, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Note: I am currently updating this map, giving it a complete aesthetic overhaul and updating a few minor aspects of the gametype, as well.

    Changes To Be Made:
    -Interlock the map, clean up appearance(In progress)
    -Change Minor aspects of the central arena's structure (In progress)
    -Make changes to the armory(Possibly move the power weapons out to the arena itself, set extremely long respawn times and set place at start to no. That, or set some sort of restriction to prevent people from being able to continually gain control of power weapons .

    The Basics:
    Intended Gametype(s):King of The Hill, though you may see Slayer and Oddball on Gladiators some time in the near future
    Required Game Variants: Bloodbath(The link can be found below)
    Number of Players: 4-12, though one could potentially attempt to play this map with 16....

    Gametype Information:
    Name: Bloodbath
    Score to Win: 250
    Attributes Inside the Hill: Weapons pickup disabled, Infinite Ammo, Damage set to 100%
    Attributes Outside the Hill: Weapons pickup enabled, Infinite Ammo, Damage set to 0%

    Map Summary

    A King of the Hill-styled map variant, Gladiators makes for an incredibly fun and chaotic match in which players view for supremacy in a central arena. Players start in one of two "safe zone" spawn rooms(In otherwords, players are unable to cause damage in these rooms) in which they have their pick of any weapon from the game-on a first come, first served basis, of course. After taking up the desired weapons, the players will enter a teleporter to be whisked to one of several shielded entryways-the entrances are randomly chosen, so campers beware-you might be hiding smugly behind a shield door only to have the back of your head cracked open by someone who's just entered the fray.

    While the map, and it's original gametype, Bloodbath, are made for king of the hill, they could easily be modified to incorporate Slayer or Oddball.



    The Spawn Room


    View from one of the entrances


    Overview showing some of the options for cover


    A better look at the "fusion core" trap

    Unfortunately, gameplay screenshots are unavailable at this time. I will attempt to post some later, though.

    Download Information
    Game Variant
    #1 Azrius, Apr 22, 2008
    Last edited: May 16, 2008
  2. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would suggest more screens but from what I can see the map looks alright
  3. nullstar

    nullstar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    dosent look too good, interlocking would be nice
  4. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll work on making the map look prettier in V2...but as it is, the walls serve their purpose; they keep the players in the area where they're supposed to be. Right now I'm more concerned with what people think about how it plays.
    #4 Azrius, Apr 22, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  5. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    NO offence but this looks like a map that you but all the power weapons ex: energy sword and rockets to 30 sec. respawn rate. and spawn camping looks to be a problem if their is only one teleporter to the arena. I did not DL so it could play fine but just saying

    note: in pic 3 the wall near the back looks bad out of place
  6. racer0940

    racer0940 Ancient
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    i'm sorry, i just never liked it when maps had one room/hallway filled with nothing but weaponry, i rather have my enemies make their way through a map to find a good weapon

    thats just me though... i think
  7. ShadowSpartan94

    ShadowSpartan94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm this gives me an idea.
  8. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did not simply put all of the power weapons on. I put every weapon from the game on the map(two of each 'two-handed weapon', and four of each dual wield weapon, divided between the two spawn rooms) to give players a choice of what weapons they want to use. Yes, there are power weapons on the map, but in the plays I've done there hasn't been a particularly large problem with people 'whoring' the weapons.

    I set up the map to play a certain way, giving players their choice of any of a wide variety of weapons before entering the arena-which is small enough that power weapons do not give the same kind of advantage they would provide on other maps.

    Also, there are two spawn rooms (The screenshot I provided is of one of the two). As well, spawn camping is not a problem, because the teleporter in each spawn room sends players to one of about five shielded entrances within the arena (I believe I may have stated as much in the map summary)

    And, as I have stated, I'll work on making the map look better in V2...for now I simply want to know what everyone thinks of how it plays.
  9. Killamanjaro123

    Killamanjaro123 Ancient
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    you counter power weapons with power weapons, that's the only way you can make a good map using power weapons. you get your best weps so you can play your best, which makes for intense gameplay. and with you not being able to get kills when in the armory, that prevents camping
  10. Dragon Ninja

    Dragon Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interlocking would extremely help.
    You might want to remake this map.
  11. fallout films458

    Senior Member

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    im sorry i dont like that there is a long hall way full of wepons and only one tlepoter

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