Yes this is very VERY early, but I'm kinda geeked about it so far. Ultimately the layout will be symetrical and support quad team doubles gametypes as well as standard ones.
This is looking really nice. The forging looks nice and clean, not too bumpy. I like the center structure a lot. Hope everything goes well.
I think it would fit quite well for BR practice games. One huge thing for you to keep in my though is the sides of your map. I recommend you place some barriers on the sides to prevent falling, which can really give a thumbs down impression of your map. On a side note, isn't Diadem the name of a featured 1v1 tournament map? I am not telling you to change it; it is just better if you did since that name is well known already.
The architecture looks wonderfully forerunner. Reminds me of the Control Room back in the Halo CE days. I love all the small details in the design. Those are often my favorite parts of a map. Keep up the style you've got going here. I'm excited to see this further down the road. If you ever feel the need to show this off to someone, or if you need some critique, I'd be happy to swing by! Oh, and we could take a look at that Conquest map as well ^.^
Don't worry, I have every intention to use railings, but like I said it's still early. The only part finished is the center. The 4 bases are being built around it right now so it'll get there. As far as the name goes, I haven't the foggiest. I'll look into it but for now I'll use it as a beta name. -edit: Actualy there are two on this site with that name. I'll have to find other words for "crown" since that will be the shape of it when it's done. Funny you should mention Halo CE... This same area found at the end of Halo 3's campiegn was also found in the original Halo and served as the inspiration for this map. I had every intention to recreate everything into my conquest idea, but found that I would have hit the item limit before completion. I instead decided to abandon the idea and try to come up with something else to fit the octogon shape of the center structure.
wow this map is prettyful.. I'm loving the aesthetics of the centre structure. Have you got gloomy fx on coz it looks like it and it looks great. Whatever you do keep the lighting effects the same. What intentions do you have for the bases?
I think this looks great.. The centre piece is very nice. I always wanted to attempt a Forerunner looking object, but I've never really had budget for aestethics. Anyway, Are each of the bases going to be linked via a route outside the central plain? Maybe a higher bridge of a sort? because at the moment it looks very central controlled, and small. Even if its just linking 2 bases together at each side so its Rotationally symmetric would give players more ground to fight for. Keep up the good forging though
Yes they will. Think, Wizard with it's 4 team symmetry, and Midship/Assembly with perimiter ramps. All 4 bases will be linked symmetricaly together.
You have always amazed me as a Campaign forger... library as well. That middle structure will be very distracting the first time I play a match on this map. If you need/will need players to test your map PM/VM me I'm excited to help if and when ever possible.
You got it man. I have a good feeling it'll flesh out well. I just need to decide what I'll put at center (Rockets, Sword, Camo, OS..).
I would suggest Camo goes better with the blue light as well works for a dark map. In addition if it is small in size of a map you would work better to keep the power-weapon to something moderate and stay away from OS.
I'd like it to be 8 players minimum which is mid-sized. I'll take your advise on the Camo even tho I have a deep love for Rockets But I'll worry about that when I've run tests on it and see what works.
Why yes there is xP Main Entry: crown Part of Speech: noun Definition: tiara for royalty Synonyms: chaplet, circlet, coronal, coronet, diadem, garland, headband, headdress, wreath Here are some other words for Crown, Coronet sounds kind of interesting actually. As for the map, it will be interesting to see how this turns out...your maps always look really nice but remember the looks of the map is second.
The center structure looks great, good aesthetics, original design nice. I am however hoping that you will change up the bases because from what i can see they are lacking your center's aesthetic quality and they just look downright poor. Obviously you are early in the forging stages so this could be completely irrelevant. =)
This map looks pretty awesome, and yes, like everyone else is saying the center structure looks awesome. Keep it up!
Hadoken, you amaze me. You make amazing srtuctures and they turn out beautiful. I love your forging style! I suggest you put a sword in the middle, and have camo at a side middle area. Sounds better then over-used rockets. and ugly OS. Love to have a forgethrough sometime if you wouldn't mind.
Thanks for the alternates Adelyss I kinda looked thru some last night. I'm prob gonna change it completely cuz none of the ones I found really sound as good. No big deal tho, There's billions of words out there, I'm sure I can find something else. As far as the looks go, I'm just trying to make do with what I had. The rest of the map should be themed in some spots to at least make sence. The bases are non-existant in these photos so yeah, it's REALLY early. Thanks GTF. I'm more than likely going to have 3/4 versions with different power weapon sets and placements when testing comes around. But yeah you'll get your chance to go through it when it's done.