ROFL at whisper. Yea so I wanna to be a better person. Not in the sense of niceness, but of awesomeness.
Build some muscle, get good grades, and maybe get myself a girl. It's hard to find a girl you like when your school has such a terrible selection like mine does.
I'd like to: A. Practice my guitar much more. B. Stop procrastinating. C. Keep my existing friends. I have a tendency not to. That's all, for now.
Get kicked out of school, go to the stoner school, graduate easy, skip graduation ceremony. Best part is, I'm pretty much there. I'm ditching my finals in a week so I fail my classes, then getting moved to the alternative school. It's shorter than normal school and way easier.
Work towards the funds that'll be put into my roadtrip in which I meet all of my dearest buddies at 4chub. So far, this list consists of only 3 peeps. We will all travel to Vegas and do stupid **** when we're ****ed up.
Do you really have to ask? Fine. You, Agamer, and (of course) ChAoTiC. Nor, I'm going to break you, *****.
Well damn, I feel left out. I'm going to work on getting a six pack. Halfway there already, but it'd be nice. Maybe get a job.
Jimbo, I dare you to try. A road trip would be sick, though. And Youtuber, if you're halfway to a six pack, does that mean you have a 3 pack?
I don't need to make a six-pack a resolution this year. You know why? It's cuz I'm stacked homie. Oh shi-! Here come the wimmenz! But seriously, crunches. Don't start counting until it burns, then do 50. Work your way up as you go, and if you feel cramping, take a break. I can do about 300 without stopping, but I worked my way up.
I'd like to actually finish a machinima, and I mean a big one(talking about a full length movie here). And not only finish it, but have it be spectacular.