Halo 3 Weapons Chart (Fill 'er Up!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Okage4, Dec 1, 2009.

  1. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: EMP Gun
    Creator: Human
    Type: Oddities
    Description: The EMP gun is shaped like a pistol. It has three 'rounds' (enough power to be used three times). It has two firing modes - direct and pulse. Direct firing shoots silver prongs at a target, using one of the 'rounds'. If fired at a shielded target, shields will be quickly drained and will only regenerate after 10 seconds. If fired at a vehicle, all electronics on/in the vehicle will be disabled. Covenant vehicles using grav lifts will be grounded due to the electronic grav lifts being deactivated for a full 30 seconds. Pulse mode will short out the gun and requires full 'ammunition' to be used. It'll drain all
    shields in a 50 metre radius but with normal shield recharge times. Vehicles will be deactivated but for only ten seconds.

    Weapon or Vehicle?: Vehicle
    Name: Lion
    Creator: Human
    Type: AA Tank
    Description: The Lion is a modified version of the Scorpion tank but with the large cannon removed and replaced with twin 50mm machine guns and a single 88mm cannon. The new turret is made up of these, with the two 50mm on either side of the 88mm cannon. It uses a laser targeting system to hit targets. Its ground to ground combat is ineffective as all its weapons are only suited for ground to air combat. To operate fully it requires at least people - one driver and one turreter that operates the large guns. Up to for people can ride shotgun on the sides of the Lion.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How is that AA tank useless to ground vehicles. That doesn't make sense. The covy AA Tank completely p4wns everything so why wouldnt yours?
  3. Foyoman

    Foyoman Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Plasma Blaster
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: CQC
    Description: The Plasma Blaster shoots a blast of plasma energy at a close range. It can kill at 5 metres max.
    #83 Foyoman, Jan 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
  4. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Perhaps the Lion should only require a Driver to act as the driver and the main gunner, then have a secondary Missile Launcher turret type thing, something like the Scorpions Machine Gun Turret...

    and the EMP Gun...Yeah, I don't think anything should have a radius that big. 50 meters? Jebus =P
  5. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Stinger
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: CQC
    Description: The stinger is a gun with a similar function to a shotgun but expanded capabilities in some areas. It fires a large plasma round (3x the size of an overcharged plasma pistol bolt) that can 1-shot kill at close range, but loses its size and effectiveness as it continues until the energy dissipates entirely. A shot would dissipate once it hit an enemy or after roughly 2-3 seconds in air. The stinger's shots can ricochet around corners, but doing so also reduces the plasma bolt's damage efficiency by a quarter. Due to it's increased range potential, the Stinger only has 4 rounds per clip with a maximum of 3 clips per weapon, and has a firing cooldown of 1 second. The stinger rounds also have no arc and homing capabilities.
  6. BigdogII7

    BigdogII7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Frst of all, I did not create this vehicle. Also, I do not endorse modding of any kind. I say this because this vehicle was designed and post on a halo pc modding site (I will not say the name for obvious reasons) by DemonicSandwich.

    Name: Bulldog

    Creator: Human
    Type: Alt. One-man
    --The SD187 ULATM, a.k.a. the Bulldog, was started around the same time as the M274 Mongoose. The UNSC was looking for a type of light weight transport vehicle for transferring messages, documents, and reconnaissance personnel but also be very inexpensive to repair, deploy, and replace if necessary. A group of engineers came up with ideas to build two different vehicles, one being a 4-wheel ATV and an all-terrain motorcycle that they would codename: "Hell Rider".

    ---The engineers loosely based the suspension system off of the M12 Warthog to be adequate for rough terrain. They equipped the Bulldog with duel Gatling-type machine guns to act as a form of offense if the rider could not escape from a fight. However to both avoid designing a power plant for the vehicle and keep costs down, they used the power plant commonly used in the M12 Warthog.
    This allowed parts of the Bulldog could be interchanged with those of a Warthog. This also made the Bulldog sound identicle to a Warthog to the untrained ear. However this made the Bulldog weight a little over a ton which brought on many issues.
    Because of this massive weight, normal marines could not raise the bike if it had fallen onto its side. Spartans on the other hand had only a little trouble with lifting it. With the extra weight, the rider had to keep a rather high speed to keep it from toppling over.

    ---To solve the issue of balance with the extra weight, the engineering team developed a self-adjusting gyro stabilizer for the vehicle. The stabilizer alone had enough momentum to lift the Bulldog upright all on its own. It also allowed the vehicle to tilt just enough to turn and keep the bike from falling. A kickstand was never installed since the gyro could keep the bike upright while idling and the fact that a strong enough kickstand could not be made. The Bulldog's suspension would lower and the bike would rest on its belly when its engine was shut off.

    ---The device however had, literally, a fatal flaw. The gyro would fail when the vehicle reached speeds between 130 mph and 150mph or under heavy breaking above 2Gs. The team tried to solved this by installing a device to electronically cap the top speed at 90 but this device tended to failed under the massive power of the Warthog engine. The gyro failure in turn usually caused the bike to topple over onto its rider's legs. Very often the injuries from such an accident were far from repair and required amputation of the leg involved. In many cases of combat, the bike would kill the rider if enemy fire did not.

    ---After claiming too many lives, it was taken back and redesigned. The Mrk2 version of the motorcycle had been constructed of lighter metals and held a much smaller power plant. These changes reduced the weight by nearly half down to 1220 lbs. However marines were far to terrified of the vehicle and where often used as spare parts since the new power plant still used Warthog engine parts. Project "Hell Rider" was closed as a failure. However project "Serpent Chaser" would turn out successful and turned out an ATV called the "Mongoose". The remaining Mrk1 Bulldogs were sold to the few trusting marines after signing a legal waiver.
    Basically it is a one man motorcycle that is a little bit faster than a mongoose with a couple rapid fire turrets and a missile launcher
    (Optional) Image (Handrawn or Computer Generated are acceptable):

  7. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Congratulations to:

    -DemonicSandwich -
    for the Human One-Man Vehicle, the Bulldog
    -Silver Orange - for the Covenant CQC Weapon, the Stinger
    -dreaddraco2 - for the Brute Heavy CQC Weapon, the Reaper
    -Foyoman - for the Brute Turret, the Beamer

    Honorable Mentions:

    suggesting the Bulldog, created by DemonicSandwich
    -Foyoman: Runner-up for the Covenant CQC weapon, the Plasma Blaster
    -dreaddraco2: Previous chart entry for the Human One-Man vehicle, the Grackle
  8. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Spook
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: Scout/One Man
    Description: A spherical one man vehicle with no weaponry, capable of high speeds. If you come into contact with the vehicle whilst it's moving you will most likely be splattered. It operates just as any other vehicles, using the analog sticks to accelerate, brake and steer. The vehicle takes a couple of seconds to start up as the 'wheels' start spinning to reach the high speeds, this only happens at start up, not after braking. The brakes on it are very responsive which allows for tight cornering.

    #88 Bubba Doongai, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  9. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Congratulations to:

    -Bubba Doongai -
    for the Covenant Scout Vehicle, the Spook
  10. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Vehicle
    Name: Wolverine
    Creator: Human
    Type: AA Tank
    Description: The Wolverine, as in Halo Wars, would fire missiles from the side of the vehicle like a strandard missile pod; a red laser pointer would shoot through the air and the driver would point it at a target. the missile launchers would lock on and a pull or the right trigger would sent a barrage of missiles off. One squeeze of the triggers releases one of two missile pods on the wolverine. Note: Missiles do not have to be locked on in order to shoot. The driver also has some other tools, like missile interface and shot type. Missile interface(RB) gives the driver a first-person perspective of the barrage of missiles and can control the trajectory of them. Shot type switches between free-aim, where you can shoot anywhere but in a straight line, or Lock-on, where you must lock onto a target and the missles shoot into the sky and rain down onto the target.

    A second passenger would man the grenade launcher near the front of the tank. This grenade launcher shoots like a normal gun, right trigger to shoot, and reloads when the 6-shot magazine is empty. It auto-reloads when empty, and you cannot manually reload it because the machine workings inside the tank reload it for you. The launcher can also choose to volley it's entire clip by switching it's fire type with the Y button, but it's less accurate than single-shot. Also the grenade launcher has a recoil control button used when the tank fires its main missiles and the tank shakes around, normally making the grenadier extremely innaccurate. But with the recoil control you press the recoil control button and your aim stays the same even when the wolverine bonces around when shooting. But when the wolverine isn't firing it makes the grenade launcher very inaccurate, so passengers need to learn when to use it.

    What buttons do what?:
    A: E-Brake(Driver)
    B: Nothing
    X: Enter and Exit Vehicle(Both, Hold X only)
    Y: Shot Type-Free-aim or Lock-on(Driver)/Shot Type-Volley grenades(Passenger)
    RT: Fire Missile Launcher(Driver)/Shoot Grenade Shell(Passenger)
    LT: Lock-on Laser Pointer(Driver)
    RB: Missile interface(Driver)/Recoil Control(Passenger)
    LB: Nothing
    Right Stick: Steering(Driver)/Aim Grenade Launcher(Passenger)
    Left Stick: Throttle(Driver)

    (Optional) Image (Handrawn or Computer Generated are acceptable):
    A blueprint model of the Wolverine.
    #90 PRS, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
  11. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Honors to:

    - PRSplayer42:
    for suggesting the Halo Wars Wolverine for the Human AA Tank


    UPDATE: Either check the front page, keep reading or if you're especially weird, read both =P

    So the chart is almost finished...I think it's high time that we add some more categories onto the list. What should they be? I dunno, you come up with them =D

    The form required to submit a Category suggestion may be found on the OP.

    Also, I've finally added an Equipment Chart. Have fun using those creative little noggins!
    #91 Okage4, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2010
  12. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Ghost Shot
    Creator: Brute
    Type: Headshot Rifle
    Description: Similar looking to a human shotgun, but the barrel is slightly smaller in radius and it has a jagged looking scope. The gun fires spike looking energy pulses which are instant hit (no air time like the carbine). The gun fires rather slowly (1/3 of a second delay between shots) and will take 5 shots to kill. It has a 10 shot clip and makes a significant "shing" like noise when fired.
  13. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Ghost Shot
    Creator: Brute
    Type: Headshot Rifle
    Description: Similar looking to a human shotgun, but the barrel is slightly smaller in radius and it has a jagged looking scope. The gun fires spike looking energy pulses which are instant hit (no air time like the carbine). The gun fires rather slowly (1/3 of a second delay between shots) and will take 4 shots to kill. It has a 10 shot clip and makes a significant "shing" like noise when fired.
    #93 Spicy Forges, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  14. Ozarka

    Ozarka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Damnit Crypto! I've had an idea in mind for the brute rifle for a long time and just finished a picture not more than 5 minutes ago. Nevertheless, I will post mine and we will see which one wins! :)

    Weapon or Vehicle: Weapon
    Name: Chieftan's Rifle
    Creator: Brute
    Type: Headshot Rifle
    Description: This is an automatic rifle; however it only shoots at approximately 4 bullets per second. To make up for it's slow fire rate, the bullets are more powerful than those of the Battle Rifle. It takes 7 bullets for a kill.

    The barrell of the Chieftan's Rifle is somewhat like a gatling gun. It has six holes and continuously rotates in a clockwise motion whilst firing. The bullets look like larger versions of spikes from Spikers, and trails of smoke are left from each shot, much like the Sniper Rifle but with more of an orange tint.

    Also, the chieftan's rifle can be scoped in just like a BR or carbine and has the same range.

    Lastly, since the barrell rotates, a minor spin is put on the spikes so that they slightly spiral to their target.

    #94 Ozarka, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  15. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:

    -Replace "Carrier" with Dropship
    -Add "Star-Fighter" (like a fighter pane, but in space)
    -Add a chart for Spaceships
    -Add a chart for Bombardement (Glassing, nukes, MACs, Artillery, Orbital Weaponry, etc)

    Ground Assault Bomb
    Human Offense Equipment
    Description: You really need a description for this?
    #95 Dreaddraco2, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  16. BigdogII7

    BigdogII7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Rocket Boots
    Type: Movement
    Description: To small rockets get attached to your boots that boost your speed by about 200% for 2 seconds. Two 10 foot flames extend from the back that take out the shields of anyone that touches them. THe item that sits on the ground is a boot covered in flames.
  17. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Power Drain
    Covenant Tech Disruption Equipment
    Description: Disrupts most electronics in range by draining power.

    CQ-EMP (Close Quarters ElectroMagnetic Pulse)
    Human Tech Disruption Equipment
    Description: Larger Range then Power Drain, Slower Drain, Longer Duration.

    Camera Drone
    Human Vision Equipment
    Description: Floating Camera Drone. Only appearance was in Halo 2, one single cutscene.

    Antimatter Charge
    Covenant Offence Equipment
    Description: Powerful charge. Would need to be completely scaled down for gameplay balancing.
    (Scale that down to the size of a grenade)

    Deployable M247
    Human Defence Equipment
    M246 General Purpose Machine Gun

    "Jump" Jet Pack
    Brute Movement Equipment
    Description: When you pick up this equipment, a thin bar appears underneath the Grenade and Equipment icons on your HUD. To use the Jump Pack, you must press and hold X. The longer you hold it down, the more that this bar depletes. Once it is finally gone, you cannot use the Jump Pack anymore.

    Yanme "Drone" Vision Camera
    Covenant Vision Equipment
    Description: Vision Camera mounted on "Drones". Seen in Halo 3: ODST.
    (No Image Yet)

    Brute Landmine
    Brute Super Weapon (See description for why) and also Heavy Anti-Vehicle
    Description: Super Weapon, because it can kill in two hits, surrounds all of sandtrap, and can damage invunerable's.

    Fist of Rukt
    Brute Heavy Weapon
    Description: Gravity Hammer with extra powerful gravity abilities. Carried by the Chieftan of Brutes.

    If this was a competition, I'd be winning.

    (That would pretty much cover all equipment)
    #97 Dreaddraco2, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010
  18. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    isnt the powerdrain covy?

    Name: UNSC "Overkill" Mech
    Type: Mech
    Description: Looks similar to the mech found in avatar, one arm has a tri-barreled turret gun and the other arm has a slower-reloading gauss turret. The mech also has 5 missile pod rockets on the back, but due them pointing upwards, a vehicle has to be in sight for these rockets to have any effect.

  19. Okage4

    Okage4 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    So, out of all of those, only one of your entries made it...sorry =P

    and as for those categories you suggested, I'm only doing vehicles that are small enough and slow enough to be used in gameplay. Starfighters are too damn fast, and Spaceships are too damn big. I'll think about the Bombardment weapons, though, that could be interesting....

    For now, I'm adding a Bombers category and a Large Ground Carrier Category.

    Bombers: Aerial vehicles that typically have weak weapons, but carry powerful explosives that they may drop on the ground.

    Large Ground Carrier: Large vehicles that are used to safely transport large amounts of troops or keep certain objectives safe. (i. e. the Elephant and the Shadow from Halo 2)

    Congratulations to:

    -BigdogII7 - for the Human Movement Equipment, the Rocket Boots
    -dreaddraco2 - for the Brute Movement Equipment, the Jump Pack
    -in the battle for Supreme Brute Headshot Rifle, the winner between Crypto nv and Ozarka is...(drum roll please)

    Ozarka and his Chieftain's Rifle!!! Yaaaaay. I need you to add that the weapon is highly inaccurate, making it suited for close clombat, rather than medium-range battle. Aside from that, you win, yaaaaaay!

    You were so close Crypto, like THIS CLOSE => .. Yeah, that's really close, I know. Anyway, you'll be put in the Honorable Mentions section for being so damn close =P
  20. PRS

    PRS Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Weapon, Equipment, or Vehicle?: Weapon
    Name: Plague
    Creator: Covenant
    Type: CQC
    Description: The Plague is a very unique weapon in the covenant arsenal. It firing modes are similar to the Plasma pistol, but it's purpose is far from that. It has a stream of energy coming from the from of the gun which has shocking capabilities. The gun gets its name from the purple plasma acid it shoots out. It shoots this at high speeds and when it comes in contact with the energy at the front of the gun it absorbs the shocking ability from it and shoots off. The Plague is on par with the shotgun damage-wise, but it's charged shot gives it extra range capabilities and since it shoots acid that acid stays on the target and damages until it falls off. A shot does damage and the acid that hits the player also does prolonged damage as well, and the longer the distance hit by the Plague, the less the acid sticks to players. The shots have about a second long pause between them and each shot must be charged by using the charging handgrip shown in the picture, much like charging a shotgun. The clip is also shown in the picture and holds up to 5 shots of acid for each clip. The shot can be a one-hit kill if directly shot at someone close range, but it's range is just a little farther than the flamethrower with it's regular fire mode. But you can also charge the shot, which makes it go a lot farther, but it also overheats the gun and you have to give it a few seconds to cool down. You can also shoot it at the floor or walls, creating a pool of acid that will desipate in about 10 seconds.

    A rough sketch of the Plague design.
    #100 PRS, Jan 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2010

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