OVERVIEW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Map Name- Final Run Map Variant of- Foundry Symmetry- Asymmetrical Gametypes- All Games Glitches- Infinite money, Fusion Main Weapons on Map- 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Sniper Rifle 1x Beam Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Mauler (there are also SMGs, ARs, BRs, Needlers, Carbines, Plasma Rifles, Brute Spikers) Vehicles- Yes 1x Warthog 1x Mongoose Fictitious Description In this facility lives a dark secret that has been kept hidden for nearly a century. Now that secret has been awakened. Aesthetics-A giant tree is in the center that then leads down into the bunker, in infection, that is the area that you can hold off. A side entrance is in there that you can only get in from not out. Grav lifts on the ground beneath the tree provide a way into the bunker. There is a part of the map Terminal (Halo 2) that I took and that is a hallway with a sniper rifle in it that leads to a garage. There is a sniper tower, and a breakable floor to stop people from getting to the rocket launcher. Links for pics- Garage Hallway (Sniper Rifle Spawns in there) Sniper Tower 1 (go into double box then up the gravlifts) Sniper Tower 2 (when you are already in sniper tower you can get the shottie, and the go through the escape area) The Bunker (The Bubble Shield spawns in there and there is a side entrance, but it is not a side exit) Rocket Ramp (The Rocket Launcher spawns in the fence box and to get out just jump on the window panel, also to stop people from getting to the rocket, just destroy the crates and wire spools) Back Halls (These are symmetrical on both sides) Side View (Beam Rifle spawns on this side and the side entrance into the bunker is here) Temporary links- (because I am blacklisted, here is the map in my file share){look for Final Run} Link for map is in my file share- File Share
Your pics don't work, because you can't use the img tags on something on your computer, you have to use an image hosting site, i.e. photobucket.com, imageshack.us to host the images. Then you can use the direct link inside image tags to embed the image.
now it doesn't matter because I just got blacklisted and my map is now locked, and that forum ninja on B.net hates me so he blacklists me for even the smallest things
ya alot of the retarded mods ban you forever for the smallest things. anyways, it looked like a good map put it on ur share
wow love the tree in the center and the room from Terminal {why wont they remake that?} youve got my DL.
The pic dosen't tell me much about the map. It has a solid discription, though. I think I'll try it and tell you what I think.
i like the visual looks you gave the map with the interlocking but your building in the upper right of the picture looks pretty sloppy is it made that way? or did you lack the patience to finish it?
I tried out this map.. I find that there is really not a true overall theme. it seems like you had several cool ideas that you started to build on. like the rocket location in the corner, or the tower. but you it was all placed in the map and feels discorded and out of place. Also, I have seen people make maps not using the interlocking glitch. I have one made myself. and they run smoothly and look pleasing to the eyes, AND all the floors, stairs and what not are still smoothly walked upon. in your map, players get stuck. on the floor, while running. in several areas. these spots need to be addressed and fixed. good try though....but you need to organize your ideas more.
Show me sometime, it always seemed to be smooth also, there are more pics, you just need to follow the links, I just made one main pic which is the one that shows most of the map thanks everyone for the constructive criticism, it is a nice change from the flaming that I normally see on Bungie.net I have finished a map that seems to be be very smooth, and it looks great, half industrial, and half jungle on Foundry, it seems to play great with all gametypes, once I get the pics, I will post it on Forgehub, but I still need to do a few playtests on it