It's been a long time since I have been on Halo and never have wanted to go on until this came out. I browse forgehub every cuople weeks or so to update on the new tracks. And I come across this- clearly, in my opinion, the best coa ster by a longshot. I say this due to the fact that this honestly was the exact coaster I would make if I still had the patience to forge. It's almost like I feel like I thought of the coaster and you built it. (which I didn't really) But honestly, I always wanted to make a coaster or even a tournament track with huge jumps like these. It's an amazing track and the only racetrack I've seen and downloaded to go play on halo since my last day with my racetrack Platinum when I stopped forging. It's like a new beginning of roller coasters but this one will never be beaten by another roller coaster creation. The last jump as well as the others just gave the feeling I always wanted to create-a freefall with a perfect landing. The track couldn't have been planned and executed any better and I now think of you again as the old Rouge Shadow back in the day. I guess I could of seen it coming after all these roller coasters were built-the ideal dream roller coaster and it finally came. Only problem for me which isn't an actual problem with the track is the asthetics arn't really there but that doesn't take away from my rating of 5/5. Great Job Shadow. I have thought about all the racetracks in the past and honestly, nothing can compare to this masterpiece. Best Racetrack/Rollercoaster ever built in my opinion. And I believe it will stay that way. No racetrack/Roller coaster has ever thrilled me more than this and still continue's to thrill me every time I play it. --Best Track Ever--
Thanks, Apocalypse. It's definitely my favorite out of all my tracks to date. As for aesthetics, the lights and obelisks are all you're gonna get. I ran into the budget, but even if I didn't, I would have used all I could on the actual track. You should play Halo more often. Maybe make another track, yourself.
Simply an amazing roller coaster. I won't lie, at first it was starting to get on my nerves when doing the turns, but once you get the hang of it its incredible. I still can't get over how perfect your jumps are, and the landings couldn't be any more smooth. Keep up the good work. 5/5
This is great! Very well done! Im not a great driver but im hoping to improve. Might download this to help me get better. 10/10