OVERGROWN By jameslieb1 "These temple ruins are all that remain of a once powerful race." A part-overview of Overgrown. Me posing in front of one of the map's four windows. That's all for now. Keep an eye out for the full map preview, coming soon.
no offense, but really, it looks like stuff thrown together kinda sloppily. did you make sure to put a teleporter on the other side of the pile in the first pic? People could blow those objects with grenades.
I know of 2 other people trying to do guardian. One of them i broke out of the first room in seconds, the other is still a work in progress. So im telling you it will be very hard to make this work without escaping. I f you can do it, it would be great, so before posting, invite me and ill help find breaks in it. I cant really tell the layout of the map yet but im looking forward to it. Good luck
i myself am running tests on my guardian judgement map, so may the best man win, but i am sort of jealous of your windows
The windows are unbreakable, period. The side the zombies see looks like a big mess of teleporters, as seen in the first pic, but on the inside, they're beautiful.
woops! my fault typo. cu is meant to be CP which is shoert for custom powerup. In the judgement day gametype the custom is used for the running zombies.
Well u see how the CP is in the middle of the map. That part is outside the human building. The spawn is 30 secs (start: no) so a zombie can just go and pick it up.
Looking good so far, hope its better then the first one I played, I believe it was called no protection. Like Pickle said it was very easy to break, so I hope this one does it right. Send me a FR if you want me to help you test it.
i recomend new pics cause all u can see is a cp and a load of crap in a door way and i know you said it looks good on other side but if people dont read comments they wont download it