PiGEON POST This map is small, but very fun. It is probably the funnest map i have made. It is a closed map with multiple levels. There are spawns in boxes on the higher levels and a few placed on the bottom.. There is a shield door over a stack of unlimited grenades on the bottom floor. I have placed portals in two boxes at the bottom level on opposing sides with shield doors. The portals go to random top corner boxes. This map is best used with double random weapons and a fast respawn. DOWNLOAD LINK [Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details] PiGEON POST GAME VARIANT Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
hey, I tried making something like this before, well, without the grenade house in the middle. Nice job (not sure if its original) for a minigame map.
This map really isnt original and looks like a very chaotic game. I havnt played it and im telling you ahead of time that im not downloading, but it looks like there will be tons of assassinations and sniper kills, and obviously quite a bit of grenade chucking. In future please attempt to create more original ideas for your forge hub map post, as it is seen as a art form here. On a happier note I applaud you for adding interlocking to it, something alot of new members neglect to add.
I appreciate the feedback. I do have to reply about the originality though. Because, to me it was when i made it. If someone else made a similar map , then i would say we were looking for the same style gameplay when we made it.