Alright so this thread is all about your top 5 favorite forged maps.I dont have a list of my own but i will get back to you.Theres know specific catagory just you top favorite maps youve played on that were forged and if you want you could add who created the map.
Alright here's mine: 1) Aqueduct by Shock Theta 2) Kentucky Tango by Cosmic Rick 3) Sacrifice V2 by Paranoia UK 4) End of the Line by Draw the Line 5) Gridlocked by Draw the Line
End of the Line by Draw the Line Gridlocked by Draw the Line Lockdown by iTs_NeXn and KR0NIC SM0KE Reflex by Matty Landing Pad by Val
Reflex by Matty End of the Line by Draw the Line Gridlocked by Draw the Line Eighty Grit by Tesai Recalcitrance by Cosmic Rick
Utah Mambo by Cosmic Rick MLG Requiem by Insane54 Workplace Bravo by JoeSki73 Aqueduct by Shock Theta MLG Onslaught by iTs NeXn
My Top 5 Favorite Halo 3 Mini-Games XQstudios Blog Sorry for the Link but its to my Top 5 Mini-games for Halo 3
MLG Onslaught is made by iTs NeXn and SaLoT As for my Top 5, I regret to say that I still cannot decide. BTW, this topic has already been brought me. Just saying
Vertigo- TrueDarkFusion Torppedo Jumpers- MattDGiant Aperture- Matty Utah Mambo- Cosmic Rick Sniper Hill- Furious D 18 *Those are just some classics, theres more, but I thought i'd bring back some classics.
Utah Mambo - Cosmic Rick The Hollow - Urban Myth Monolith - rifte gifle MLG Requiem - Insane54 and Sir Toppum Hat Eighty Grit - Tesai
1) Paragon by TDH 2) Kentucky Tango by Cosmic Rick 3) Utah Mambo by Cosmic Rick 4) Gridlocked by Draw the Line 5) End of the Line by Draw the Line
Epivolc by Noxiw Epitel by Noxiw The Noxy Dome by Noxiw Noxy's Court by Noxiw Fun With Cones on the Dock by Noxiw
Unchained Furious D18 Sewers Shock Theta and Rusty Eagle @Different Level Yogi Bear (I think...) Solstice Baron AJ/Baron Saturday/Baron Forges/DBUK Baron Distortion Buddhacrane
Ignite (Fritzer) Amplified (Fritzer) PowerCore:Asset (Steve11thSelby) Distortion (Stoyben) Utah Mambo (Cosmic Rick)
Gradient - Adman00 Empire - Adman00 Paragon - TDH Sereny - Piccetta ?? Tunnel Rats ?? gotta love the old skool
top minigames towers ring of fire (prefferably the infection one) shark tank phone is on hold too cops n robbers top racetracks cryptcross backburner sky pyramid climax stadium cross
Ephasus by Zombievillain Distortion by buddhacrane Chromatic by b0b43 Zephyr by oO SLiK Oo and Flair iz Nasty Prismer by ell3ment and GunnerGrunt Those are just off the top of my head. Really all of the maps on my HD are my favorites because they stayed on my HD for more than an hour.