Title My map is called It came from the sea on the lighthouse Created by:F22ave assisted by:o sirius o Explanation 3 months ago I posted a map called lighthouse there were some problems with it so I made a v2 but before I posted v2 my internet went out for 3 months and if you've seen the machinima the lighthouse thats this one v2 not the first one Story Click here for video: YouTube- The Lighthouse (Halo 3 Machinima) Pictures The lighthouse during the day Lighthouse during dusk Lighthouse during night The bookcase as seen in the machinima A secret back entrance You can climb this tree(theres a grav lift behind it) theres a shotgun on the bed Download Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I would like any comments you have good or bad Have fun!
Its a great map. But I have a hard time believing that what happens in the video above, actually happens in game. Great forging tho
wow...this is awsome. Just the fact its on the upper level of sandbox makes this map even better. Im deffinatly gunna try shotty snipers on it, and team duals. great forging, ur certainly have a gift wen it comes to asthetic maps. hope to see more from u soon.
Its a nice Machinima, shame it doesn't work like that in game... Is the 'hellish' gate actually in the map or not? It looks nice but gameplay is questionable, if you posted this in the ascetics I would be more inclined to look into it, but here it feels out of place because of its almost too small size, find me some action shots and I'll take a bigger look... -K-
Amazing machinima, but I'm worried about how good the game will be. Still going to give it a try, though.
I didn't know you posted this here? Its actually getting a decent amount of views from this site. Thanks for the badass map again, it pretty much made the video. Also, the other map, Hells Gateway is on the forge hub somewhere. Just search for it or something.