Meh i thought this up as a one sided cliff style map in the skybox. But im gona make it work for asset as well. Anywho here is some pics. The flat looking areas are cliff faces that you can climb. The map will include a lot of aesthetic detail.
This looks amazing....the forging is beyond beautiful and it looks like the gameplay will follow suit, really cannot wait for this to be dowloadable. Will be happy to test with you -nudge nudge- GT: tL BennyBhoy x
looks liek your taking my idea to make it an asset map. it looks great. it willl be really fun but also really hard especially if the brutes are coming from the top. anyway it looks great so far.
Oh their will be, but only if your a brute. Well and 2 parts of the map (budget allowing) Yeah the odst's/vergil spawn at the bottom, have to wait for a door to open then they start ascending the mountain. All the while the brutes are raining down on them, not just from the cliff but from the sky muhahaha.
This looks like it's going to be pretty cool. The forging looks great, but I'd like to see some caves that the ODSTs can go in to keep them safe for a short time at least. Anyway, looking forward to it, can't wait until it's released.
Wow, I cant wait for it to be finished. It looks like it will definetly play out very well. As for the look of the map, asthetically wise, I'm liking it. The rocky features will play out very well. I made a asset map with lots of rocky features, had it tested and it played out terribly. My advice to you is to make sure you don't make it TOO rocky. In other words, try to make it rocky, but asthetics arn't everything. Please dont get offended, this is just my opinion from the pictures Although this happened for me, I'm thinking that with a one sided style sky bubble map that is about medium sized just might work out. i'm liking it and make sure to invite me to testing! =D
Are those hidden tactical jumps i see in the middle? :O I saw the map in-game a couple days ago, it looked great. Hopefully it plays just as well as it looks!
ya those are jumps. But they can be a ***** at times, i made the map and i still have a hard time traversing them and thats without people shooting at me. The main walkway will be covered for about half that way ODST's don't got to worry about the banshee's that will be bombarding them, but if you want to be able to know the banshee's out you have to get to the top.
If you want any help or ideas (cause i've had ideas like crazy but too lazy to build them) just message me on Xbox. My gamertag is now The Hudacris.
I don't understand why you would go out of your way to necro post on a thread, when you could read the actual post, and understand that the map is designed for asset. /readthethreadb4postingandnecropostingplox