This picture is of the "3rd" room accessed by the second room and is COMPLETELY blocked off no escaping for the humans. Oh and it contains a spiker Guardian, a mysterious place indeed, but yet a perfect setting for the game type judgment (made by MasterDebayter of course) The only real things i have to say this map before i get onto the pictures is that the areas you see in the pictures are the ONLY area you can go if your human. I also made a new "door" system incorporating the gold lift, and another one that will be explained by pictures. Weapons on map: -3 BR's -2 AR's -2 Magnums (just in case you want to refil your ammo for it) -1 Sniper -1 Shotgun -1 Carbine -1 Spiker (i recommend using this once the zombies start getting over shields since it cuts through shields pretty fast /\The area you are to hold out in for a long 45 seconds. What to find: -2 low clip AR's -1 low clip BR But what about the gold lift? cant players just go up there? No. Two teleporters force you to go back down. Heres a picture to make it more clear: /\The first 44 seconds of the game (the receiver on the far right forces you to fall back down into the starting area) I have tested this even with 100% gravity and you can still not get through until 45 seconds /\After 45 seconds a crate will spawn. Now instead of dropping back down you will simply land on the crate. easy enough right? /\The second room, with the other "door" What to look for: -1 shotgun -1 magnum *let it be kown that i have added some stuff in this room in the middle of the room to make it less "bland" and also some extra cover* /\A nice look at me with my barricades. the hallway from the gold lift area to the blue room has been blocked, that is what is seen in the picture /\How the door works: -This is the teleporter at 89 seconds (the pallet really isnt there i fixed and moved to a different position) -If you walk through the door before 90 seconds you will fall to your death. There is no way to get through those two teleporters pictured in the second room. /\At 90 seconds a crate and pallet spawn blocking the teleporter allowing humans and zombies a like to walk freely through it The room following did not get any pictures taken of it. Just know that it is the hallway leading the the shotgun hallway and it has a sniper that spawns every 90 seconds low ammo of course. /\The shotgun hallway. What to look for: -1 low ammo BR -A few camping stools to help you camp /\The zombie spawn area. Oversheilds spawn at 45 and 90 seconds to spice up the game a little (not positive of those times) A few other things to note: -The room outside of the shotgun hallway is another place to go. -The doorway out to the man cannon is blocked tho. -The hallway up to the blue room from there is also blocked. -Be sure to set human gravity to 200%, zombies to 100% and no grenades, if you do that this map will play perfectly -I HAVE left out some minor things i will let you download and figure out what other little secrets there are Pretty much somes up the map. Got ahead and give it a try. hope you enjoy it No protection
dammit, you beat me to it i already made a judgement map on guardian and was testing it. I think you should have an item to signify when its safe to move on to the next area.
I was gona say man nick is gona be pissed, haha he was making a map almost exactly like this. Oh well it looks nice, and Nick don't stop it wouldn't be bad 2 have 2 variants on guardian.
yeah thats true. i will go and do that tonight. i will have a custom power up spawn above the teles showing that it is good to go through. Haha yeah masterdebayter told me about someone who was also making a guardian judgment map so i figured "oh sheet i gotta get this posted quick" ;P i heard yours was based in the blue room though?
you start off in blue then move on to gold, are you sure this isnt breakable? it looks like it would be, im gonna dl and do a forgethrough but anywho, where are the windows? i dont see any, and the zombies typically use customs rather than ov's, did you run any tests on it yet?
wow... this is definetly different. IT looks like youve done alot to prevent any cheating, though i havent done a forge through yet it seems like itll work. Also i dont see any judgment windows? is there. but overall it looks great. Definetly made well. Ill run through it tonight and give a more thourough comment later. Good job though
it is 100% not breakable. that is if you play with 200% gravity for humans and no grenades windows, i couldnt incorporate any kind of passable windows if you think about it guardian has literally no resources to make those kind of windows, and i was literally out of any other "blocking" materials after making all the barricades to prevent humans from getting out of the areas shown. they just dont give you enough to work with. i thought it would be okay that the zombies crawl through some of the windows and can just jump over the other baricades.
Omg, I'm so confused. I was just testing out this map with Judgment and there is no way for the zombies to get into the building. I don't get how the map is even playable. At first I thought the crates with the weapon holders on them were windows, but the zombie gravity is too high to get over them. So how do you play this map? Darksoullll, you got some splainin' to do!
okay if you had read my post actually you would have seen that you need zombies gravity to be 100% human gravity to be 200% no grenades also, CaptnSTFU there are no "barricades" on guardian just crates, turret cases, barrels, weapon holders and teleporters. so there was no way to make a legit window that you could look out/crawl through
You say that there are not enough "blocking materials" to properly construct the map, my map is LARGER than yours and it has 4 judgement windows, i cant wait to run enough tests so i can post my map because this is pretty bad, because i broke it 4 separate times. i will send you the videos of me breaking youre map.
+ Guardian was a nice change of pace. + Everything was going great until... - The zombies pushed a barrel down, and I got out of the human area. Something like this should have been tested more and I recommend making a V2 because it breaks the entire game. Score: 4/10
the only reason why i didnt have this tested more was the forge hub testers arent very good at getting around to test with you. 4 judgement windows? thats cool i guess i didnt really use my imagination too much, i can see how i could easily make some of those windows now though after thinking about it. barrier (or 2 turret cases in the sense of guardian) on human side mongoose then 3 barrels with either teleporters/weapon holders i will plan on fixing this stuff up. i could use some actual testers too >.< Oh, Nick, can you LOOK out your windows? if so, dam props to you