In honor of my new favorite game. Yes, I didn't do much to it, I was just going for depth and shtuff. I play as a hunter.
Nice! I know nothing about borderlands but this is a great signature! you blended the text in with the image perfectly. The blurring and sharpening are also perfect. good job, I give this image an a+
that gun is waaaaaay too sharp for the rest of the picture, and the depth is screwed up. the parts that should be sharpest are blurrier than the stuff behind it. i like the text though.
Depth doesn't always have to be from front to back...cameras can focus on points in the image and everything else will be blurred.
I definitely say to do something with the damned gun! Also, the big bulky guy(sorry, I dun haz borderlands yet :[ lol), ya he needs to have his head visible IMO, it bothers the hell out of me that it's cut off, idk though, try it and if it fails then leave it...meh i'm prolly just tired.